
というNBER論文が上がっているungated(ブルッキングス研究所)版*1)。原題は「Why Do We Dislike Inflation?」で、著者はStefanie Stantcheva(ハーバード大)。

This paper provides new evidence on a long-standing question asked by Shiller (1997): Why do we dislike inflation? I conducted two surveys on representative samples of the US population to elicit people’s perceptions about the impacts of inflation and their reactions to it. The predominant reason for people’s aversion to inflation is the widespread belief that it diminishes their buying power, as neither personal nor general wage increases seem to match the pace of rising prices. As a result, respondents report having to make costly adjustments in their budgets and behaviors, especially among lower-income groups. Inflation also provokes stress, emotional responses, and a sense of inequity, as the wages of high-income individuals are perceived to grow more rapidly amidst inflation. Many respondents believe that firms have considerable discretion in setting wages, opting not to raise them in order to boost profits, rather than being compelled by market dynamics. The potential positive associations of inflation, such as with reduced unemployment or enhanced economic activity, are typically not recognized by respondents. Inflation ranks high in priority among various economic and social issues, with respondents blaming the government and businesses for it. I also highlight a substantial polarization in attitudes towards inflation along partisan lines, as well as across income groups.

*1:cf. 変化しつつある中銀への圧力とインフレ - himaginary’s diaryでリンクしたブルッキングス研究所の2024春コンファレンス論文の一つ。

*2:cf. Why Do People Dislike Inflation?

*3:ブルッキングス研究所のまとめ記事では「However, inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index was 3.4% in 2023 while average hourly wages rose 4.1%.」と指摘している。

*4:本文の結論部では「This situation leads to significant reported adjustments in spending habits, particularly among lower-income individuals who often find themselves postponing or reducing the quality and quantity of their purchases.」と記している。

*5:本文の結論部では「There is a clear partisan divide in the responses, with Republicans more likely to blame the government or “Joe Biden,” and Democrats more likely to blame businesses. This closely correlates with whom people feel angry at when they see prices rise, directing blame at businesses, the government, and the “system” in general.」と記している。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のサイト)。原題は「What Hundreds of Economic News Events Say About Belief Overreaction in the Stock Market」で、著者はFrancesco Bianchi(ジョンズホプキンズ大)、Sydney C. Ludvigson(NYU)、Sai Ma(FRB*1

We measure the nature and severity of a variety of belief distortions in market reactions to hundreds of economic news events using a new methodology that synthesizes estimation of a structural asset pricing model with algorithmic machine learning to quantify bias. We estimate that investors systematically overreact to perceptions about multiple fundamental shocks in a macro-dynamic system, generating asymmetric compositional effects when several counteracting shocks occur simultaneously in real-world events. We show that belief overreaction to all shocks can lead the market to over- or underreact to events, amplifying or dampening volatility.

従来の株式市場の過剰反応に関する分析は、アナリストや投資家の予測誤差を予測修正に回帰することが多かったが、そのやり方では、正確にどのニュースイベントに投資家の考えが過剰反応したかが特定できない。実際、株価の変動をもたらす株式市場の資金の出入りは、企業のキャッシュフロー成長とは無関係であることが報告されている。そこで今回の分析では、「構造的AI総合(structural AI synthesis)」と著者たちが呼ぶ手法で以下のように分析を行ったという。

  1. 特定のニュースイベントへの株式市場の反応を測定
  2. そのイベントの結果として生じる、代表的投資家の主観的予想の修正と、その投資家がリスクの源泉と受け止めているものの修正を推計
  3. 市場のニュースへの反応を動かす上での考えの歪みの定量的重要性を測定

その結果は、無関心(inattention)モデルよりも診断的予想(diagnostic expectations*2)モデルに沿うものだったという。ただし従来の利益ないし配当の単変数の診断的予想モデルからは過剰反応による市場変動性の増幅しか出てこないが、経済の動学に関する認識についての複数変数の診断的予想モデルとしたことにより、ショック同士が打ち消しあう効果によって過小反応も導出できたとの由。


というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T Mostly Economicsungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「When to Appease and When to Punish: Hitler, Putin, and Hamas」で、著者はDavid K. Levine(ロンドン大学ロイヤル・ホロウェイ)、Lee E. Ohanian(UCLA)。

Much has been written about deterrence, the process of committing to punish an adversary to prevent an attack. But in sufficiently rich environments where attacks evolve over time, formulating a strategy involves not only deterrence but also appeasement, the less costly process of not responding to an attack. This paper develops a model that integrates these two processes to analyze the equilibrium time paths of attacks, punishment, and appeasement. We study an environment in which a small attack is launched and can be followed by a larger attack. There are pooling and separating equilibria. The pooling equilibrium turns the common intuition that appeasement is a sign of weakness, inviting subsequent attacks, on its head, because appeasement is a sign of strength in the pooling case. In contrast, the separating equilibrium captures the common intuition that appeasement is a sign of weakness, but only because deterrence in this equilibrium fails. We interpret several episodes of aggression, appeasement, and deterrence: Neville Chamberlain's responses to Hitler, Putin's invasion of Ukraine, Israel's response to Hamas, Turkey's invasion of Cyprus, and Serbia's attacks in Kosovo.


挑戦者ペイオフ 被挑戦者ペイオフ 被挑戦者から挑戦者への懲罰 被挑戦者にとっての懲罰のコスト
予備的攻撃(probative attack) a -1 P~1 ψkP~1
本攻撃(primary attack) 1 -c P~2 ψkP~2

モデルではa < λ/(1ーλ) が仮定されており、予備的攻撃のペイオフが挑戦者にとってあまり大きなものとなることはない。その場合、挑戦者が予備的攻撃だけを行って本攻撃は絶対に行わない、という均衡は存在しないことが証明される(命題1*2)。

なお、ここまでの話の挑戦者は通常型(normal type)の挑戦者で、それ以外に計画型(committed type)の挑戦者もいる。挑戦者が計画型である確率πは公開情報である。計画型は予備的攻撃を行った後、本攻撃の中止を試みる。そのため、計画型は、本攻撃を実際に行わない正直型(sincere type)と、結局本攻撃を行う強硬型(hard type)にさらに分かれる。


  • 一元的均衡:P~1が被挑戦者のタイプや懲罰のコミットメントを取り消すかどうかに左右されない。
    • P~1=0の一元的均衡は宥和均衡と呼ぶ。
      • P~2=0の宥和均衡は自明の均衡と呼び、その場合、挑戦者は必ず攻撃する。
  • 分離均衡:タイプが異なる被挑戦者は異なるP~1の値を選択する。
    • 分離均衡では、予備的攻撃を行った挑戦者はP~1に基づいて本攻撃を行うか否かを決定する。


A non-trivial optimal pooling equilibrium is an appeasement equilibrium but the normal challenger stays out for certain. In an optimal separating equilibrium P1 > 0, the normal challenger strictly prefers to attack, the weak type of incumbent revokes and chooses P~1 = 0 and the strong type never revokes. The normal challenger continues to attack against the weak type of incumbent and tries to exit against the strong type of incumbent.
自明でない最適な一元的均衡は、宥和均衡であるが、通常型の挑戦者は確実に攻撃を行わないものである。 P1 > 0の最適な分離均衡では、通常型の挑戦者は必ず攻撃を選好し、弱者タイプの被挑戦者は取り消しを行ってP~1 = 0を選択し、強者タイプは決して取り消しを行わない。通常の挑戦者は弱者タイプの被挑戦者に対しては攻撃を続行し、強者タイプの被挑戦者に対しては攻撃を中止しようと試みる。



・p.6の最終行の a + 1 ≦ P1 - P2はおそらくa + 1 ≦ P1 + P2の誤り。
・p.7の最初の行の -ψ (1 + P1 + ・・・)の「1 +」はおそらく不要。また、ここの効用は懲罰コストに起因するもののみ論じていると思われるが、その旨の記述がない。
・p.7の3行目の式の-ψ (P1 - ・・・)は-ψ (P1 + ・・・)の誤りで、かつ、最後の「)」が抜けていると思われる。





というギータ・ゴピナートらのIMF論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Changing Global Linkages: A New Cold War?」で、著者はGita Gopinath、Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas、Andrea F Presbitero、Petia Topalova(いずれもIMF)。

Global linkages are changing amidst elevated geopolitical tensions and a surge in policies directed at increasing supply chain resilience and national security. Using granular bilateral data, this paper provides new evidence of trade and investment fragmentation along geopolitical lines since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and compares it to the historical experience of the early years of the Cold War. Gravity model estimates point to significant declines in trade and FDI flows between countries in geopolitically distant blocs since the onset of the war in Ukraine, relative to flows between countries in the same bloc (roughly 12% and 20%, respectively). While the extent of fragmentation is still relatively small and we do not know how longlasting it will be, the decoupling between the rival geopolitical blocs during the Cold War suggests it could worsen considerably should geopolitical tensions persist and trade restrictive policies intensify. Different from the early years of the Cold War, a set of nonaligned ‘connector’ countries are rapidly gaining importance and serving as a bridge between blocs. The emergence of connectors has likely brought resilience to global trade and activity, but does not necessarily increase diversification, strengthen supply chains, or lessen strategic dependence.




CPIに住宅サービスが与える影響のラグの問題については、クルーグマンが頻りに強調し*1、「論敵」のサマーズもいち早く指摘してきた(かつ、クルーグマンはむしろ遅かったと揶揄してきた)ところであるが*2、マンキューも4/11付けの表題のブログエントリ(原題は「It's all about shelter」)で取り上げた

This figure shows that the PPI for final demand tracks the CPI less shelter very closely. By both measures, inflation is now very much under control. The problem is that the CPI for shelter is up 5.6 percent, so the overall CPI looks quite hot.
Some would argue that leaving out shelter is misleading because shelter is such a large fraction of the typical household budget. On the other hand, the CPI for shelter is well known to be a lagging indicator of rents by virtue of how it is constructed, and other more current series show no recent inflation in rents. This latter argument puts me in the optimistic camp on inflation.
By the way, I recently made a bet with my friend Larry Ball that the overall CPI from February 2024 to February 2025 will rise by less than 2.5 percent. I am writing the bet here as a sort of contract. We will check back next year.
The bet is for $5. That is in nominal terms. So, in real terms, I get more if I win than Larry gets if he wins.




というNBER論文をケネス・ロゴフらが上げているungated(ブルッキングス研究所)版*1)。原題は「Changing Central Bank Pressures and Inflation」で、著者はHassan Afrouzi(コロンビア大)、Marina Halac(イェール大)、Kenneth S. Rogoff(ハーバード大)、Pierre Yared(コロンビア大)。

We present a simple long-run aggregate demand and supply framework for evaluating long-run inflation. The framework illustrates how exogenous economic and political economy factors generate central bank pressures that can impact long-run inflation as well as transitions between steady states. We use the analysis to provide a fresh perspective on the forces that drove global inflation downward over the past four decades. We argue that for inflation to remain low and stable in the future, political economy factors, such as strengthened central bank independence or more credible public debt policy, would need to offset the global economic pressures now pushing average long-run inflation upwards.


  1. グローバリゼーションの終焉
    • 世界のGDPに占める貿易の割合は2008年の61%で天井を打ち、2021年には57%に反落した。
    • ウクライナやガザでの戦争といった地政学的な緊張の高まりや、2007-2009年の金融危機後やパンデミック後に導入された保護主義的な政策の継続により、デグローバリゼーションは続く可能性が高い。
  2. 公的債務の増加
    • IMFは公的債務の増加を予測しており、そのことはインフレ圧力を高める。
    • 財政支出を増やす圧力となっているのは:
      • パンデミック期の政府支出のデットオーバーハング
      • 金利上昇による債務の利払い費の増加
      • 高齢化の進展とそれに伴う社会保障支出の増加
      • 炭素排出ネットゼロを達成するための支出増加
      • 国際的な緊張の高まりに対応した防衛費の増加
      • 国内産業を支えるための補助金の拡大
  3. 金利のゼロ下限制約の緩和
    • コロナ禍前は、超低金利により中銀の政策は反インフレ傾向を余儀なくされた。即ち、短期金利をゼロよりあまり低くできないため、拡張的な金融政策を取ることに限界があった。高金利においては、経済を刺激するための金利の引き下げ余地が大きいため、インフレを押し上げる傾向も強くなる。

長期停滞は続くのか、それとも終わるのか、というのは以前紹介したサマーズとブランシャールの議論で一つの焦点となったテーマであるが(cf. 自然利子率と中立金利:過去と未来 - himaginary’s diaryおよびそのリンク先)、この論文のインフレの見通しはサマーズの側に立ったもの、と言って良さそうである。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Deposit Insurance, Uninsured Depositors, and Liquidity Risk During Panics」で、著者はMatthew S. Jaremski(ユタ州立大)、Steven Sprick Schuster(ミドルテネシー州立大)。

The lack of universal deposit insurance coverage can create liquidity risk during financial crises. This aspect of deposit insurance is hard to test in modern data because of the broad coverage of most systems. We, therefore, study the role that the U.S. Postal Savings System played in commercial bank closures during the Great Depression. The system offered households a federally insured deposit account at post offices throughout the nation, and its structure provides a near-ideal environment to identify this competitive liquidity risk during a crisis. We find that banks that operated nearby a post office that accepted deposits were more likely to close between 1929 and 1935. We further make use of a structural change in the availability of postal depositories in the early 1910 to estimate an IV regression that confirms the results. In either model, the effect is strongest for those banks with low reserves, suggesting that the mechanism was through depositor withdrawals rather than other factors.

金融危機の不可思議な持続性 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したJaremskiの論文と同様にエドワード・コナードがこの論文を取り上げている

Jaremski and Schuster document that before the establishment of the FDIC, deposits fled to the safety of local insured postal banks, illustrating that lack of universal deposit coverage amplifies run risk. @ssprickschuster
Before the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) became active in 1934, the only federally insured deposit accounts available to American households were through the U.S. Postal Savings System. To examine the role that postal savings played on bank closure, we collect the balance sheets of over 16,000 commercial banks just before the start of the Great Depression and match them with information on which post offices accepted deposits. We find banks that operated nearby a post office that accepted deposits were more likely to close between 1929 and 1935. The effect of postal savings is severely weakened after deposit insurance was installed across commercial banks in 1934. This lends evidence to the theory that we are capturing a competitive liquidity effect due to the lack of universal coverage.

