Seeing some bad takes on CPI out there. Excluding volatile components, we've seen remarkable disinflation 1/
And bear in mind that core is still being distorted by lags in the measured price of shelter. So basically the data are now saying that the war on inflation has been pretty much won — without a recession 2/
We could still have a recession. But it will be a policy error, not something we needed to control inflation that turns out to have been transitory after all 3/
An inflation update: in the past I've focused on a measure that excludes lagging shelter and used cars as well as food and energy. Just to note that it adds to the evidence that inflation has been largely defeated
Hilarious that everyone in the comments/QTs is furious at Krugman for creating an inflation index that "excludes everything" when including food/energy/vehicles doesn't change the picture
Inflation has cooled a lot, and the big remaining driver is shelter (which has known lags)
This is an important point. Gonna do a newsletter on it, but I thought I should hit the high points — it helps explain consumer sentiment, and is also (believe it or not) good news for Biden 1/
Some people saying that consumers don't care about inflation, only the level of prices. Bad news if true, because deflating back to price levels from the past would be a nightmare. But surely overstates the case 2/
What is true is that 1 year is an arbitrary period. Easy to calculate because no need to worry about seasonal adjustment. But as everyone in this biz knows or should know, it's too long for macro analysis; it misses the big recent disinflation 3/
But if people care about levels, not changes, why did they give Reagan credit for the 80s disinflation even as prices continued to rise? 4/
One answer might be that people's perceptions go back more than a year. If we take 2 years, the 80s disinflation looks very different from recent events 5/
In the 80s 1-year and 2-year inflation came down in tandem, because the economy was disinflation after a period of sustained inflation. This time we had a bulge after years of low inflation, and 2-year inflation, which is still taking on that bulge, has barely declined 6/
Now, 2 years is also arbitrary; could be longer, although I don't think people remember what stuff cost 10 or even 5 years ago. But let's run with 2 years. What does that say about future perceptions? 7/
Suppose that inflation were to run at 2.4 percent from now on — the 3-month rise in core prices. I've projected what would happen to 1 and 2 year inflation through 2024 8/
2 year inflation would come down a lot as we put the 2021-2 bulge behind us, even if current inflation stays where it is. So the public may well perceive declining inflation as the prices they remember move forward in time 9/
Important to say that this isn't some kind of trick. It's more about the real victories we've won filtering gradually into public consciousness. But it's one more reason not to take current polls too seriously 10/
これは重要なポイントだ。これについてはニュースレターに書くつもりだが、要点は言っておくべきだろう。この話は消費者心理を説明する助けとなり、かつ、(信じてもらえないかもしれないが)バイデンにとって良いニュースでもある。Yeah there's no particular reason that regular American voters ought to be measuring inflation over precisely a 12-month time horizon just because that's how the CPI does it. https://t.co/m7UaREWaG2
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) 2023年9月13日
Economists are almost giddy over falling inflation, but voters say it's still rising. One possible explanation: voters are looking fairly far back into the past, while economists are looking at recent data for clues to the future
So if you ask people whether inflation is up or down over the past year, they say it's up. If you ask them how much prices will rise over the next year, a year ago they said 4.8%, now they say 3.1%. Not exactly a contradiction, but peculiar.
ということで、人々にインフレが過去1年間に上がったか下がったかを訊いたら、上がったと言う。彼らに今後1年にどれだけ物価が上昇するかと訊けば、1年前は4.8%と言ったが、今は3.1%と言う。完全な矛盾ではないが、奇妙ではある。University of Michigan consumer survey:
— Nick Timiraos (@NickTimiraos) 2023年9月15日
Year-ahead inflation expectations in Sept fell to 3.1%, the lowest levels since early 2021
Five-year-ahead inflation expectations also ticked down and are near pre-pandemic levelshttps://t.co/crQL4DjRRU pic.twitter.com/tgwq1ehKYo
One funny thing about this particular delusion — which Trump has seemed stuck on for a long time — is that those of us pointing to disinflation are constantly accused of being out of touch because we never buy our own groceries 1/
For the record, I do go grocery shopping, and am aware that you don't, in fact, need to show ID unless you're buying alcohol (which at my age is actually kind of flattering) 2/
I'm also well aware that groceries cost a lot more than they did before Russia invaded Ukraine. But I've also noticed that last year everything was going up, while lately some things are going up but others, like eggs, are going down 3/
In other words, my personal experience more or less matches what official data are telling us 4/
この妄想が特に変なのは――トランプはこの妄想に長いことこだわっているが――ディスインフレを指摘している我々は現実から遊離している、なぜなら我々は自分のところの食料雑貨店で買い物をしていないからだ、という非難を絶えず浴びせてくることだ。Trump: You have voter id to buy a loaf of bread. When they had their democratic national convention, they get a picture… It was pretty much like my mugshot. pic.twitter.com/fZduxy8WVl
— Acyn (@Acyn) 2023年9月16日
In the early 2010s we had inflation truthers, who insisted that official numbers were hugely understating price increases. Right now, I'm being bombarded by disinflation deniers, who refuse to believe that inflation is coming down 1/
Many of these deniers pose as regular people just seeing what's in front of them, with many (wrong) assertions that people like me are elites who never do their own shopping 2/
But there are a number of "tells" that much of this is political, a refusal to admit that anything might be going right under Biden. For example: self-proclaimed regular people complaining about how much stuff costs at Whole Foods 3/
Or people still going on about the soaring prices of eggs, which have in fact come way down this year. I'd say that such people don't actually buy groceries, but more likely they're basically engaged in tribalism pretending to be observation 4/
Now, grocery prices are in fact up a lot, and unlike real wages as a whole, real wages for ordinary workers in terms of food are still down a few percent from their prepandemic levels 5/
But what would you expect when there's a major war in the middle of one of the world's major breadbaskets? 6/