

Gotta say: the attempts of inflation pessimists to downplay the extent to which they got disinflation wrong — and Team Transitory got it right — are getting embarrassing 1/
Yes, the Fed raised rates and inflation came down. But the whole point of "sacrifice ratio"-type analyses was that monetary policy could only bring about disinflation via higher unemployment; immaculate disinflation wasn't supposed to be possible. 2/
You could try to explain what happened in terms of a nonlinear Phillips curve, which is a view for which I have some sympathy. But even there you would have expected *some* rise in unemployment. 3/
Plus, as Mike Konczal has documented, on a sectoral basis disinflation is associated with *faster* output growth, suggesting that this was a supply-side story as pandemic disruptions faded 4/
You can argue that without Fed hikes the economy would have overheated. Not sure where I am on that. But that's not the story the inflation hawks were telling 5/


In the aftermath of the financial crisis austerity advocates claimed that contractionary policy was actually expansionary bc of confidence — which I mocked as belief in the Confidence Fairy. It seems to me now that we're seeing a somewhat parallel myth: the Credibility Fairy 1/
What we see is a sharp fall in inflation without rising unemployment, which is what Team Transitory predicted — albeit it took much longer than expected. But no, say some economists, the Fed did it — not by imposing unemployment, but by reducing expected inflation 2/
Ofc these same economists were saying just the other day that we needed high unemployment. But leave that aside: is there any reason to believe that this was an important channel? 3/
As far as I know, there's very little evidence that expectations — as opposed to supply constraints — had much role in recent inflation. And there's also very little evidence that *wage and price setters* (as opposed to bond markets) pay much direct attention to Fed policy 4/
So the claim that the Fed did it through the power of its credibility looks to me like a Just So story invented to avoid the natural conclusion that healing supply chains did the job 5/

ちなみにコント:ポール君とラリー君――FRBの利上げがインフレを鎮圧したのかの巻 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したクラウディア・サームのツイートでも、予想経路をどう思うか、というレスが付いたが、サームは「I absolutely disagree.(全くの不賛成)」というにべもない回答をしている。