

I've been getting some pushback over my dismissal of "contactless" disinflation here, mainly involving tales of nations with very high inflation that brought it down quickly after some kind of monetary reform 1/
But those examples aren't very relevant. In contemporary America, price and wage setters (as opposed to investors) don't watch the Fed closely, because they haven't had to. 18 months of core inflation >5% wasn't enough to change that 2/
Things are very different in countries with triple-digit inflation, where the whole dynamics change: prices are reset much more often, and everyone is forced to pay attention to monetary policy 3/
I still remember the relatively painless Israeli disinflation of 1985, which followed the extremely painful Volcker disinflation here 4/
Some of us used to joke that the easiest way to bring down moderate inflation was to turn it into hyperinflation, to get people's attention; then stabilizing prices became much easier 5/
Not, of course, a serious recommendation. But monetary policy works very differently in countries where inflation is typically low enough that normal people don't have to think about the central bank 6/


Economics is about what people do, writes @PaulKrugman. When you make an argument about the effects of economic policy, you should have at least some plausible story about how the policy affects the behavior of specific people.

即ち、「クルーグマンのインフレ/ディスインフレ論 - himaginary’s diary」で紹介したディスインフレのメカニズムについてのクルーグマンの見解を改めて表明したもののようである。

*1:クルーグマンは「集団合意形成の失敗としてのインフレ - himaginary’s diary」で紹介したツイートでもそのエピソードを引き合いに出している。