
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「How Curvy is the Phillips Curve?」で、著者はPhilip Bunn(BOE)、Lena Anayi(同)、Nicholas Bloom(スタンフォード大)、Paul Mizen(キングス・カレッジ・ロンドン)、Gregory Thwaites(ノッティンガム大)、Ivan Yotzov(BOE)。

Macro data suggests a convex relationship between inflation and economic slack, but identifying causality is challenging. Using micro data from large panel surveys of UK and US firms we show that the response of prices to demand shocks is also convex at the firm level. We obtain similar results using three different empirical exercises examining: the impact of COVID demand shocks, the response to sales shocks, and hypothetical shocks from a survey question. This convexity is strongest in firms and industries with higher inflation, disappears in horizons beyond two years, and is also present in response to cost shocks. We rationalize these findings in a menu cost model with positive trend inflation and decreasing returns at the firm level, which replicates firm and aggregate Phillips curve convexity. The non-linearity emerges from trend inflation pushing firms closer to their price increase thresholds.


また、メニューコストモデルで凸性を説明することができたものの、 生産能力の制約(Capacity constraints)、金融制約(Financial constraints)、非線形な需要曲線(Non-linear demand curves)、非線形な賃金の反応(Non-linear wage responses)といったモデルでも凸性は説明できてしまうため*1、以下のように、インフレの高低による違い、長期的な反応、コストショックについてもモデルの予測がミクロデータの事実に合うことを確認したとの由。

*1:cf. 傾いたL字型のフィリップス曲線 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したBenigno=Eggertssonは生産能力の制約を強調していた。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「How Institutions Interact with Exchange Rates After the 2024 US Presidential Election: New High-Frequency Evidence」で、著者はJoshua Aizenman(南カリフォルニア大)、Jamel Saadaoui(パリ第8大学)。

This paper is a case study of the exchange rate adjustments during the first week following the swapping US election results. We compute three measures of exchange rate depreciation: the maximum depreciation during the 1st trading day after November 6 UTC 0:00 to capture the reaction on the FOREX immediately after the news for our sample of 73 currencies against the USD, practically all currencies depreciated sharply at the news. Second, the depreciation after 4 days to capture the reaction of monetary authorities and the global markets to the news; third, the depreciation 1 week after the shock to observe whether some countries have experienced a further depreciation or a return to the pre-shock exchange rate level. In 26 countries out of a sample of 73 bilateral exchange rates against the US Dollar, the depreciation after 1 week was even more pronounced than just after the election. We also find that the correlation between the depreciation rate after a week from the initial news and the ICRG institutional score is positive and significant at the 1 percent level. A multivariate regression for exchange rate movements indicates that after a week, the bilateral trade surplus with the US, and better institutional scores are associated with stronger depreciations. Exchange rate interventions have helped to stabilize the currencies at all time horizons. The exposure to policy changes, measured by EIU’s Trump Risk Index seems to be at play after 4 days.

著者たちはEconbrowserのゲスト寄稿「Guest Contribution: “How Institutions Interact with Exchange Rates After the 2024 US Presidential Election: New High-Frequency Evidence” | Econbrowser」でも研究内容を説明している。また、SaadaouiはHigh-Frequency Behavior of Exchange Rates After the 2024 US Presidential Election – EconMacroで各通貨の推移などのグラフを紹介している。

*1:cf. The International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) | PRS Group



というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Sticky Inflation: Monetary Policy when Debt Drags Inflation Expectations」で、著者はSaki Bigio(UCLA)、Nicolas Caramp(UCデービス)、Dejanir Silva(パデュー大学)。

We append the expectation of a monetary-fiscal reform into a standard New Keynesian model. If a reform occurs, monetary policy will temporarily aid debt sustainability through a temporary burst in inflation. The anticipation of a possible reform links debt levels with inflation expectations. As a result, interest rates have two effects: they influence demand and affect expected inflation in opposite directions. The expectations effect is linked to the impact of interest rates on public debt. While lowering inflation in the short term is possible through demand control, inflation tends to rise again due to its impact on inflation expectations (sticky inflation). Optimal monetary policy may allow low real interest rates after fiscal shocks, temporarily breaking away from the Taylor principle. We assess whether the Federal Reserve's “staying behind the curve” was the right strategy during the recent post-pandemic inflation surge.


公的債務に起因するインフレをある程度許容して経済を良くする方策を考えても良いのではないか、というのは小生も国債バブルと貨幣バブル - himaginary’s diary財政赤字ギャンブルの得失 - himaginary’s diaryなどで唱えてきたところであるが、主流派経済学のモデルでそうした考えを推し進める人たちがじわじわ増えてきたことは興味深い。

*1:本文では「 The key tension is that, before the reform, increases in real interest rates carry two effects with opposing effects on inflation: the first is a conventional decrease in aggregate demand, and the second, the novelty, is the increase in inflation expectations that respond to the greater debt burden. This increase in expected inflation enters as an endogenous cost-push and risk-premia shocks.」と説明している。


というNBER論文をスティグリッツ上げている。原題は「Growth and Fluctuations: An Overview」で、著者はJoseph E. Stiglitz(コロンビア大)。

Capitalism since its inception has been marked by large fluctuations. The resulting episodic unemployment has been very costly. This paper provides an overview of alternative theories. Standard models (such as DSGE) have not provided insights into the causes of the fluctuations and the shocks buffeting the economy, which contrary to what they assume, are largely endogenous; they have not provided an understanding of how and why the economy amplifies shocks and makes their effects at times so persistent or how and why there may be oscillatory behavior, rather than a smooth convergence back to some (temporary) equilibrium. Accordingly, they do not give guidance on how to make deep downturns—those that really matter—less frequent, shallower, and less costly. By contrast, there are alternative, new models, often building on older Keynesian foundations, with heterogenous capital goods and heterogeneous agents, interacting with each other in imperfect markets and fragile networks, with endogenous innovation in an ever-evolving economy, with deep uncertainty. These theories, with endogenously driven fluctuations, provide greater insights in the causes and nature of fluctuations, and better policy guidance.

相変わらずDSGEに対して容赦ない批判を加えているが*1スティグリッツツイートによると、Giovanni Dosi(cf. Giovanni Dosi - Wikipedia)記念論文集のために書いたものとのこと。


というNBER論文をカバレロやカラベロらが上げているungated版)。原題は「Financial Conditions Targeting」で、著者はRicardo J. Caballero(MIT)、Tomás E. Caravello(同)、Alp Simsek(イェール大)。

We present evidence that noisy financial flows influence financial conditions and macroeconomic activity. How should monetary policy respond to this noise? We develop a model where it is optimal for the central bank to target and (partially) stabilize financial conditions beyond their direct effect on output and inflation gaps, even though stable financial conditions are not a social objective per se. In our model, noise affects both financial conditions and macroeconomic activity, and arbitrageurs are reluctant to trade against noise due to aggregate return volatility. Our main result shows that Financial Conditions Index (FCI) targeting—announcing a (soft and temporary) FCI target and setting the policy rate in the near future to maintain the actual FCI close to the target—reduces the FCI volatility and stabilizes the output gap. This improvement occurs because a more predictable FCI enables arbitrageurs to trade more aggressively against noise shocks, thereby "recruiting" them to insulate FCI from financial noise. FCI targeting is similar to providing forward guidance about the FCI, and in our framework it is strictly superior to providing forward guidance about the policy interest rate. Finally, we extend recent policy counterfactual methods to incorporate our model's endogenous risk reduction mechanism and apply it to U.S. data. We estimate that FCI targeting could have reduced the variance of the output gap, inflation, and interest rates by 36%, 2%, and 6%, respectively, and decreased the conditional variance of the FCI by 55%. When compared with interest rate forward guidance, it would have reduced output gap variance by 21%. We also show that a significant share of the gains from FCI targeting can be attained by an augmented version of a Taylor rule that gives a large weight to a simplified financial conditions target.
我々は、ノイズのある金融の流れが金融情勢とマクロ経済活動に影響するという証拠を提示する。このノイズに金融政策はどのように対応すべきだろうか? 我々は、安定的な金融情勢それ自体は社会的な目標ではないとしても、生産とインフレのギャップへの直接的な影響を超えて中銀が金融情勢を目標として(部分的に)安定化させることが最適であるようなモデルを構築した。我々のモデルでは、ノイズは金融情勢とマクロ経済活動の両方に影響し、総体的なリターンの変動性のため、裁定取引者はノイズに対抗して取引することを躊躇う。我々の主要な結果では、金融情勢指数(FCI)目標――(ソフトかつ一時的な)FCI目標をアナウンスし、実際のFCIが目標近くを維持するように短期的に政策金利を設定する――はFCIの変動性を減じ、生産ギャップを安定化させる。こうした改善が生じるのは、より予測可能性の高いFCIによって、裁定取引者がノイズショックに対してより積極的に取引できるようになり、それによってFCIを金融ノイズから絶縁するように彼らを「募集する」からである。FCI目標はFCIについてのフォワドガイダンスを提供することと似ており、我々の枠組みでは、それは政策金利についてのフォワドガイダンスを提供するよりも厳密に優れている。また我々は、最近の政策反実仮想手法を我々のモデルの内生的なリスク削減機構を織り込むように拡張し、それを米国データに適用した。我々の推計によれば、FCI目標は生産ギャップ、インフレ、金利の変動をそれぞれ36%、2%、6%減らし、FCIの条件付き変動を55%低下させた可能性がある。金利フォワドガイダンスと比べると、生産ギャップを21%減らしたであろう。我々は、FCI目標による利得のかなりの割合は、単純化された金融情勢目標に大きなウエイトを置くテイラールールの増強版によって達成できることも示す。

FCI指標はThe Fed - A New Index to Measure U.S. Financial Conditionsで構築されたものを用いているとの由(余談だが、今回の論文の著者のCaballeroとCaravelloがただでさえ紛らわしいのに、こちらのFCI指数の著者の一人がCavalloでさらに紛らわしいことになっている)。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Estimating Gross Output Production Functions」で、著者はMarkus Trunschke、Kenneth L. Judd(いずれもスタンフォード大)。

This paper develops a novel method to estimate production functions. Earlier papers rely on special assumptions about the functional form of production functions. Our approach efficiently estimates all parameters of any production functions with Hicks-neutral productivity without additional exogenous variables or sources of variation in flexible input demand. We provide Monte Carlo Simulation evidence of our method’s performance and test our approach on empirical data from Chilean and Colombian manufacturing industries.

面白そうな話であるが、残念ながらungated版は見当たらなかった。内容的にはAmit Gandhi、Salvador Navarro、David A. Riversの4年前の論文「On the Identification of Gross Output Production Functions | Journal of Political Economy: Vol 128, No 8」(WP)を踏まえたものと思われる。


というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T Mostly Economicsタイラー・コーエンungated版へのリンクがある著者のページ)。原題は「The End of Oil」で、著者はRyan Kellogg(シカゴ大)。

My main question of interest concerns how producers’ anticipation of a long-run decline in global oil demand might affect their behavior. One possibility is that producers increase their current rates of extraction, via a mechanism that dates to Sinclair (1992) and was coined the green paradox by Sinn (2008). This concern is rooted in the idea that oil reserves are an exhaustible resource that producers will extract in a way that maximizes their long-run present discounted value, per Hotelling (1931). Hence, an anticipated future reduction in oil demand will induce producers to accelerate extraction towards the present. This intertemporal shift would at least partially offset any future emissions reductions and perhaps even lead to an increase in the total present value of climate damages.
It is also possible, however, that an anticipated demand decline will cause oil producers to reduce near-term extraction. A suite of papers in economics dating at least to Nystad (1987) and Adelman (1990) has documented that the oil industry is characterized by up-front investments in wells and other infrastructure that enable oil production at a low marginal cost and subject to a binding capacity constraint. If producers anticipate a fall in the future demand for oil, this belief will reduce their incentive to make long-lived investments, leading to lower extraction even in the near-term. This potential disinvestment effect has drawn considerable industry commentary (Manley and Heller, 2021; Jain and Palacios, 2023; Ryan, 2023; Salzman, 2023), and a recent survey of oil and gas executives (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2023) found that a majority of respondents believed that an energy transition would increase rather than decrease the price of oil over a five-year horizon.



Yes, plastics / petrochemicals are likely the end-uses where it'll be hardest to substitute away from crude oil. Most of the analysis in the paper assumes that oil demand eventually goes all the way to zero, but sec 4.3 considers a case where 15% of demand remains indefinitely.