
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Are People Fleeing States with Abortion Bans?」で、著者はDaniel L. Dench(ジョージア工科大)、Kelly Lifchez(同)、Jason M. Lindo(同)、Jancy Ling Liu(ウースター大)。

In this study, we investigate whether reproductive rights affect migration. We do so using a synthetic difference-in-differences design that leverages variation from the 2022 Dobbs decision, which allowed states to ban abortion, and population flows based on change-of-address data from the United States Postal Service. The results indicate that abortion bans cause significant increases in net migration outflows, with effect sizes growing throughout the year after the decision. The most recent data point indicates that total abortion bans come at the cost of more than 36,000 residents per quarter. The effects are more prominent for single-person households than for family households, which may reflect larger effects on younger adults. We also find suggestive evidence of impacts for states that were hostile towards abortion in ways other than having total bans.

この研究結果を報じたAbortion bans linked to people moving out of state, study says - CBS NewsNew data suggests more people are leaving states with abortion bans • Michigan Advanceによると、3万6千人というのはアラバマやウエスバージニアなどの13州の純流出の合計とのことである。また後者の記事では、「完全な禁止以外の方法において中絶に敵対的な州」として、中絶禁止法を制定したが裁判所によって差し止められたオハイオやユタ、妊娠初期以降の中絶を禁止したフロリダやジョージア、センターフォーリプロダクティブライツCenter for Reproductive Rights - Wikipedia)によって敵対的とされたペンシルベニアが挙げられている。


ドブス判決後に上げた中絶制限法がコーホートの死亡率に与える影響:19世紀の法のバラつきからの実証結果 - himaginary’s diaryというエントリで「今回の米最高裁の判断で、皮肉にもまたこうしたコーホート分析が何十年か後に可能になるのかもしれない」と書いたが、コーホート分析を待たずして取りあえず人口移動へのその影響を明らかにした分析が早くも出た格好である。


というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエンungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Gilded Age and Beyond: The Persistence of Elite Wealth in American History」で、著者はPriti Kalsi(ロチェスター工科大)、Zachary Ward(ベイラー大)。

We use linked census data to provide the first descriptive statistics on persistence in the top tail of the wealth distribution for the entire United States between 1850 and 1940. We highlight two major findings. First, there was substantial turnover at the top where the overwhelming majority of incumbents in the top tail fell out of it, even within the lifetime. Second, elite wealth still “matters” as being raised in an extremely advantageous household is associated with an exponentially increased likelihood of ending there. Yet, more than 90% of those with a grandfather in the top 1% were not themselves in the top 1%. Overall, the results suggest that the extreme tail of American wealth was not a fixed group, even during a time of low relative mobility for the overall population (Jácome et al., 2025; Ward, 2023).
我々は、接続したセンサスデータを用いて、1850年から1940年に掛けての全米における富の分布の上位端の持続性に関する記述統計を初めて提示した。我々は2つの主要な発見を強調した。第一に、上位においては顕著な入れ替えが見られ、上位端にいる人の大多数は、生涯のうちにおいてさえ、そこから脱落した。第二に、エリートの富はそれでも、非常に有利な条件の家庭に育つことがそうした家庭に行き着く可能性を指数関数的に高めるという点で、「重要」であった。しかし、祖父が上位1%にいた人の9割以上が自身は上位1%にはいなかった。以上の結果は総じて、米国の富の極端な端は、国民全体の移動性が低くなっている時代(Jácome et al., 2025*1; Ward, 2023*2)においてさえも、固定された集団ではないことを示している。

上位1%の固定性の問題は、かつてコント:ポール君とグレッグ君(2014年第8弾) - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したマンキューとクルーグマンの論争の的になったことがあったが、今回の分析はその論争においてある意味両者ともに正しかったことを示しているように思われる。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Limited Risk Transfer Between Investors: A New Benchmark for Macro-Finance Models」で、著者はXavier Gabaix(ハーバード大)、Ralph S. J. Koijen(シカゴ大)、Federico Mainardi(同)、Sangmin Simon Oh(コロンビア大)、Motohiro Yogo[與語基裕氏](プリンストン大)。

We define risk transfer as the percent change in the market risk exposure for a group of investors over a given period. We estimate risk transfer using novel data on U.S. investors' portfolio holdings, flows, and returns at the security level with comprehensive coverage across asset classes and broad coverage across the wealth distribution (including 400 billionaires). Our key finding is that risk transfer is small with a mean absolute value of 0.65% per quarter. Leading macro-finance models with heterogeneous investors predict risk transfer that exceeds our estimate by a factor greater than ten because investors react too much to the time-varying equity premium. Thus, the small risk transfer is a new moment to evaluate macro-finance models. We develop a model with inelastic demand, calibrated to the standard asset pricing moments on realized and expected stock returns, that explains the observed risk transfer. The model is adaptable to other macro-finance applications with heterogeneous households.

ポートフォリオのデータはAddepar(Addepar - Wikipedia)のデータを使い、エクスポージャーブラックロックのデータを用いて計算したベータ値で測ったとの由。


というNBER論文をサマーズらが上げている(H/T サマーズがRTしたNBERツイートタイラー・コーエン昨年10月時点のまとめ記事&WP*1)。原題は「Technological Disruption in the Labor Market」で、著者はDavid J. Deming、Christopher Ong、Lawrence H. Summers(いずれもハーバード大)。

This paper explores past episodes of technological disruption in the US labor market, with the goal of learning lessons about the likely future impact of artificial intelligence (AI). We measure changes in the structure of the US labor market going back over a century. We find, perhaps surprisingly, that the pace of change has slowed over time. The years spanning 1990 to 2017 were less disruptive than any prior period we measure, going back to 1880. This comparative decline is not because the job market is stable today but rather because past changes were so profound. General-purpose technologies (GPTs) like steam power and electricity dramatically disrupted the twentieth-century labor market, but the changes took place over decades. We argue that AI could be a GPT on the scale of prior disruptive innovations, which means it is likely too early to assess its full impacts. Nonetheless, we present four indications that the pace of labor market change has accelerated recently, possibly due to technological change. First, the labor market is no longer polarizing— employment in low- and middle-paid occupations has declined, while highly paid employment has grown. Second, employment growth has stalled in low-paid service jobs. Third, the share of employment in STEM jobs has increased by more than 50 percent since 2010, fueled by growth in software and computer-related occupations. Fourth, retail sales employment has declined by 25 percent in the last decade, likely because of technological improvements in online retail. The post-pandemic labor market is changing very rapidly, and a key question is whether this faster pace of change will persist into the future.

自動化と二極化 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文でアセモグルは、自動化は雇用と賃金の二極化をもたらした後、最終的には賃金の二極化ではなく技能プレミアムの単調な増加をもたらす、と論じたが、この論文によるとあるいは米国ではその最終フェーズに移行しつつあるのかもしれない。
「人手不足」は本当か?データからわかる現実とは 労働市場に低待遇で舞い戻ってくる人々の存在 | ニュース・リポート | 東洋経済オンラインでの斉藤誠氏の指摘によると、日本はマクロでは人手不足とは言えない、とのことだが、氏がそこで論じている非労働力人口と失業人口の間の行き来とは別に(あるいはそれと関連して)、業種ないし職種によって人手不足の状況が違うというまだら模様が日本の労働市場の現状を見えにくくしているように思われる。もし日本でも現在人手不足の業種・職種のうちとりわけ低賃金の職で自動化が進んだら、米国と同様に高賃金の雇用だけが伸びていく、という状況がはっきりしてくるのかもしれない。


*2:cf. 破壊的技術 - Wikipedia


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人[石出旭氏]のページ)。原題は「New Keynesian Economics through the Extensive Margin」で、著者はSaki Bigio(UCLA)、Akira Ishide(同*1)。

This paper reformulates the New Keynesian model to incorporate output adjustments through the extensive margin. Shifting from adjustments through the intensive to the extensive employment margin, the model introduces predetermined output, altering key properties of the New Keynesian framework. First, the Taylor principle is inverted: stability is achieved when nominal rates respond less than one-for-one with inflation. Second, the model significantly alters the output responses to changes in monetary policy. We argue that this represents a challenge and an opportunity for the literature. Sticky information allows the model to correct the sign of impulse responses.



*2:均衡決定が均衡外の脅迫(cf. これ)ではなく初期条件の存在によって達成されること、金融ショックへのこぶ型のインパルス応答関数が批判の多い習慣形成や資本調整コストといった追加的摩擦抜きで生成されること、テイラー原理が無ければ内生的な金融政策の反応と分離してショックを追究できること。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Can Early Intervention Reduce Future Child Maltreatment?」で、著者はAnna Aizer(ブラウン大)、Emilia Brito Rebolledo(同)。

Children with a disability are 3.5 times more likely to be maltreated. Federal Early Intervention (EI) serves 426,000 children 0-3 with a disability, 3.7% of the entire population under three. EI’s objective is to support families in caring for their children’s special needs. Compared to children evaluated but ineligible for EI, children receiving EI in the first year of life are 3.3 percentage points less likely to be maltreated later in life, a decline of 45%, with smaller effects for those receiving services later. Targeting at-risk children, intervening early, and engaging with families in a cooperative manner effectively reduces future maltreatment.


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Fisher-Schultz Lecture: Linear Estimation of Structural and Causal Effects for Nonseparable Panel Data」で、著者はVictor Chernozhukov(MIT)、Ben Deaner(ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン)、Ying Gao(MIT)、Jerry A. Hausman(MIT)、Whitney Newey(同)。

This paper develops linear estimators for structural and causal parameters in nonparametric,nonseparable models using panel data. These models incorporate unobserved, time-varying, individual heterogeneity, which may be correlated with the regressors. Estimation is based on an approximation of the nonseparable model by a linear sieve specification with individual specific parameters. Effects of interest are estimated by a bias corrected average of individual ridge regressions. We demonstrate how this approach can be applied to estimate causal effects, counterfactual consumer welfare, and averages of individual taxable income elasticities. We show that the proposed estimator has an empirical Bayes interpretation and possesses a number of other useful properties. We formulate Large-T asymptotics that can accommodate discrete regressors and which bypass partial identification in this case. We employ the methods to estimate average equivalent variation and deadweight loss for potential price increases using data on grocery purchases.

計量経済学*5のフィッシャー=シュルツ講演のサイトはFisher-Schultz Lecture | The Econometric Societyで、今回の論文の対象である2023年講演はyoutube上がっている。講演者は論文の共著者のうちのWhitney Newey(Whitney K. Newey - WikipediaによるとNewey–West estimatorで最も有名との由)。


*2:cf. セミパラメトリック条件付きファクターモデル:推計と推定 - himaginary’s diary

*3:Set identification - Wikipedia

*4:cf. Equivalent variation - Wikipedia等価変分 | 消費者理論 | ミクロ経済学 | 経済学 | ワイズ

*5:cf. Econometric Society - Wikipedia