というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「A Note on Variance Decomposition with Local Projections」で、著者はUCバークレーのYuriy GorodnichenkoとByoungchan Lee。
Macroeconomists have been long interested in estimating dynamic responses of output, inflation and other aggregates to structural shocks. While many analyses use vector autoregressions (VARs) or dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models to construct estimated responses, an increasing number of researchers focus on a single structural shock and employ single-equation methods to study the dynamic responses. This approach allows concentrating on well-identified shocks and leaving other sources of variation unspecified. In addition, these approaches often impose no restrictions on the shape of the impulse response function. As a result, the local projections method (Jordà 2005, Stock and Watson 2007) has gained prominence in applied macroeconomic research.
The properties of impulse responses estimated with these methods are well studied (see e.g. Coibion 2012) but little is known about how one can estimate quantitative significance of shocks in the single-equation framework. Specifically, the vast majority of studies using single-equation approaches do not report variance decomposition for the variable of interest and hence one does not know if a given shock accounts for a large share of variation for the variable. This practice contrasts sharply with the nearly universal convention to report variance decompositions in VARs and DSGE models. In this paper, we propose several methods to construct variance decomposition in the local projection framework.
ちなみにlocal projectionを提示したJordaの論文(WP)では、以下のようにその考え方が説明されている。
The key insight is that estimation of a model based on the sample, such as a VAR, represents a linear global approximation to the DGP ideal and is optimally designed for one-period ahead forecasting. Even when the model is misspecified, it may still produce reasonable one-period ahead forecasts (see Stock and Watson, 1999). However, an impulse response is a function of forecasts at increasingly distant horizons, and therefore misspecification errors are compounded with the forecast horizon. This paper suggests that it is preferable to use a collection of projections local to each forecast horizon instead, thus matching design and evaluation.
Local projections are based on sequential regressions of the endogenous variable shifted several steps ahead and therefore have many points of commonality with direct multi-step forecasting. The ideas behind direct forecasting (sometimes also called adaptive forecasting or dynamic estimation) go back to at least Cox (1961).
yt+s = αs + Bs+11 yt−1 + Bs+12 yt−2 + ... + Bs+1p yt−p + ust+s s = 0, 1, 2, ..., h