というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Global Spillovers from FED Hikes and a Strong Dollar: The Risk Channel」で、著者はJosé Cristi(メリーランド大)、Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan(同)、 Mariana Sans(同)、Filiz D. Unsal(OECD)。
We study the international transmission of U.S. monetary policy (FED hikes) and a strong U.S. dollar. Both of these variables are endogenous and thus we follow the recent developments in the literature to measure the exogenous components of each from the perspective of the rest of the world (ROW). We show that while U.S. monetary policy shocks act as financial shocks increasing risk premia in emerging markets, a shock to U.S. dollar does not generate the same effect.
We focus on the effects of these shocks on heterogeneous risk premia in emerging markets (EMs) vs advanced economies (AEs), measured by deviations from uncovered interest parity (UIP). ...To uncover the global impact of U.S. monetary policy and the dollar, we rely on local projections, as proposed by Jordá (2005). ...
We find that, a tighter U.S. monetary policy leads to higher UIP premia in EMs, whereas such effects are not observed in AEs. ...
The effects of the dollar shock are strikingly different, as shown in Panels B and D of Figure 1. Now, UIP premium is decreasing in EMs and increasing in AEs, and the movements are much smaller compared to the U.S. monetary policy shock.
*1:cf. ローカル予測の分散分解に関するメモ - himaginary’s diary。
*2:この点について導入部では「The intuition for these results comes from Kalemli-Özcan (2019), who showed that short-term government bond spreads increasing in emerging markets and decreasing in advanced countries, as a result of tighter U.S. monetary policy. 」と説明している(当該論文はこちら)。