

OK, since the debate is mostly happening here, a thread on why I don't buy the argument that Fed rate hikes explain disinflation, and unwinding of transitory shocks does; Mike Konczal says most of it, but here's my version 1/
First off, I like the idea of a nonlinear Phillips curve, and was very partial to it as late as spring 2023. And it's one way to explain how we got more or less back to target inflation without a massive Summers-type bulge in unemployment 2/
But if what was happening was that monetary tightening was causing us to slide down a steep Phillips curve, you'd expect to see the "signature" of that process in more than just falling inflation 3/
For one thing, this story implies disinflation at a *low* cost in unemployment — not a *zero* cost, which is what we actually saw 4/
Also not clear how a demand-side story explains how vacancies and quits could have fallen so sharply without any rise in unemployment 5/
Then there's the sectoral evidence: As Konczal shows, disinflation by sector was associated with faster, not slower growth, which suggests that it was mostly a supply shock 6/
Gah. Here's the Konczal link 7/
And fwiw, estimates of the Phillips curve fit the data much better when they include a measure of supply-chain disruption 8/
So the Fed raised rates, and inflation came down, but as far as I can tell none of the data support the idea that there was a causal link; instead, they support a positive supply shock as pandemic disruptions ended 9/
Now, I didn't yell at the Fed for raising rates; we didn't know this would happen, and hiking rates looked safer than not. And rate hikes haven't caused a recession, at least so far 10/
But to claim that the Fed did it you have to ignore a LOT of evidence that says it didn't 11/





OK, since a lot of this debate is happening here, gonna temporarily return to Muskland. Arin is completely right: Team Transitory predicted a positive supply shock as conditions normalized, and that happened — much later than predicted, but then very fast 1/
Yes, the Fed raised rates, but no sign of the mechanism (unemployment!) by which rate hikes are supposed to reduce inflation. The best case for the Fed is that it prevented possible overheating, which might have kept inflation high. 2/
So the Fed may have done the right thing for the wrong reasons. Or maybe we'll have a gratuitous recession bc of lagged effects. But "the Fed did it!" is not a sustainable argument 3/


*1:クルーグマンのインフレあれこれ - himaginary’s diary」の最後に紹介したツイートでもクルーグマンはこのコンツァルのレポートにリンクしている。

*2:その後、12/30にクラウディア・サームに賛意を表する形でその点を改めてツイートしたのはコント:ポール君とラリー君――FRBの利上げがインフレを鎮圧したのかの巻 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した通り。