
コント:ポール君とラリー君――70年代と現在の比較は正しいかの巻 - himaginary’s diary」で紹介したように、インフレについて70年代と現在を比較するのは不適切だと論じたクルーグマンが、8月末のツイートで補足している。

High levels of unfilled job openings played a major role in the "Eek! It's the 70s!" narrative last year 1/
But that now looks like more Long Transitory, with vacancies declining without rising unemployment 2/
And props to the guys who got it right, and argued for a soft landing 3/
Quits, arguably a better measure, looking even more soft-landingish 4/
高水準の埋まらない求人が、昨年の「ひゃー! これは70年代と同じだ!」という言説をもたらした。



Everyone loves to invoke the specter of the 1970s — but they've been a very bad guide to recent inflation


Almost all the inflation news has been good — except for the Fed's measure of "supercore," core services ex shelter. But can we now admit that this is a lousy indicator? As one source said, it's a "dog's breakfast" of strange items 1/
A recent note from Apollo's Torsten Slok says that supercore has increased "because of strong inflation in financial services, transportation, food services, amusement parks, and sports." Um, how much of that sounds underlying and fundamental? 2/
Hoping that the Fed will quietly stop talking about this indicator. Whatever they thought they were estimating here, now it's just noise 3/
ほぼすべてのインフレのニュースは良いものだった。例外はFRBの「スーパーコア」指標で、これは住宅サービスを除くコアのサービスだ。しかしこれが宜しくない指標だということを我々はもう認めても良いのでは? ある人が言ったように、これは奇妙な品目の「滅茶苦茶なごった煮」だ。


As Jared Bernstein says, June 2022 wants its narrative back.


Over the past couple of days I've had several conversations with smart people who follow the news — and had no idea that inflation is way down. Presumably hasn't broken through at all to the wider public.


So, pushback on the idea that inflation is down tends to focus on two things: prices may be rising more slowly, but they haven't come back down (which was never a reasonable expectation), or ... 1/
the price of eggs — which happens to be one item where most of the 2022 price rise has in fact been reversed 2/


So, if you think that inflation is worse because prices are rising more slowly but haven't gone down, do you agree that inflation got steadily worse under Ronald Reagan?


“While most Americans feel that they’re doing OK, they believe that the economy is doing badly, where ‘the economy’ presumably means other people,” @paulkrugman writes.


Some more notes on the disconnect between what people say about their own financial situation and what they say about the economy 1/
I'm seeing a fair amount of strawmanning, insisting that as long as people are feeling any stress there's no disconnect. But it's a question of proportionality. 2/
The Fed's SHED survey shows a decline in financial well-being as pandemic programs ended, but only enough to roughly get us back to prepandemic levels. Yet assessments of the economy have tanked — disproportionately, as SHED itself acknowledges 3/
The Michigan survey, it turns out, asks people how their financial situation compares with 5 years ago; a clear majority say it's better. But they say that the economy is awful 4/
What about inflation? Many assertions that when people say inflation is up, they're talking about the price level, not the rate of change. 5/
But that's not how they used to see it. Consider Reagan's first term, when inflation slowed but prices continued to rise 6/
By a large margin, voters said that inflation had come down 7/
The thing is, there are many issues on which public perceptions are at odds with reality. I reside in a fairly livable city that many Americans imagine to be a violence-ridden hellhole. Why expect economics to be any different? 8/


インフレについてはどうだろうか? 人々がインフレが上昇していると言う時、彼らは物価水準について述べているのであって、変化率について述べているのではない、という主張が数多くある。




Some people saying, correctly, that inflation hurts Americans living on fixed incomes. But how many people is that? Most retirees depend largely on Social Security, which is adjusted for the cost of living 1/
Traditional pensions that pay a fixed amount each month cover only a small fraction of retirees 2/ https://census.gov/library/stories/2022/08/who-has-retirement-accounts.html
So it's a real issue, but less common than many imagine. Oh, and retirees living on interest — a really small group, but one that looms large in the discourse — are doing very well 3/
インフレは、固定収入で生活している米国人を傷付ける、と言う人がいるが、それは正しい。しかしそれはどれほどの人数なのだろうか? 退職者の大半は社会保障に大きく依存しているが、それは生計費について調整されている。



Some nerdy noodling on wages, which some worry are still rising too fast to be consistent with inflation close to 2 percent. Unfortunately, average wage data have been bedeviled by composition effects 1/
Two widely cited measures that don't have that problem are the employment cost index and the Atlanta wage tracker. But ECI only comes out once a quarter, while Atlanta gives annual rates of change — a lagging indicator in a disinflation 2/
I think some people have tried to back implied quarterly wage growth out of the Atlanta numbers, but not sure they'll bear that weight. But I think we can use a semi-realistic numerical example to suggest that the recent Atlanta data are consistent with benign wage growth 3/
So what I did was make up a hypothetical monthly wage growth series that rises steady from January 2021 to April 2022, then falls steadily from then on. The rates of rise and decline are made up, but meant to be more or less realistic 4/
Given this imaginary series, we can calculate 12-month moving averages, and compare with the actual Atlanta numbers (using job switchers). Playing with the numbers a bit, here's what I got: 5/
In the made-up numbers, the current rate of wage growth is 3.36% — consistent with inflation in the low 2s. Obviously not a proof, but suggests that Atlanta data may be consistent with benign current wage growth 6/



Important note by Mike Konczal. Variations across sectors say that disinflation is mainly a supply story — presumably the gradual fading of Long Covid, persisting disruptions from the pandemic

*1:上のPIIE論文と併せて、「ベバリッジ曲線論争 - himaginary’s diary」参照。


*3:cf. ここ

*4:Multivariate Core Trend。cf. Multivariate Core Trend Inflation - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK


*6:cf. ここで紹介したインフレへの人々の注目度に関するクルーグマンの連ツイ。


*8:Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking。cf. これ

*9:[2023/9/11追記]こちらの連ツイでクルーグマンはグラフを再掲し、「Many people trying to explain away voters' perception that inflation is rising amid a historic decline by saying that people are actually talking about the level of prices, not the rate of change. But if so, that's historically new / The last time we had disinflation on this scale was during the Reagan years; prices continued to rise, but voters were aware that inflation had come down / So it's possible that voters are less sophisticated than they were 40 years ago; or maybe they live in an information environment that feeds false perceptions. But don't say that it has always been this way」と述べている。

*10:cf. ここで紹介したサマーズのツイート。

*11:最初のツイートでは「Long Covid」と書いているが、「Long Transitory」の誤りだと後続ツイートで訂正している