
というNBER論文をMatthew Rognlieらが上げているungated版説明スライド)。原題は「Managing an Energy Shock: Fiscal and Monetary Policy」で、著者はAdrien Auclert(スタンフォード大)、Hugo Monnery(ハーバード大)、Matthew Rognlie(ノースウエスタン大)、Ludwig Straub(ハーバード大)。

This paper studies the macroeconomic effects of energy price shocks in energy-importing economies using a heterogeneous-agent New Keynesian model. When MPCs are realistically large and the elasticity of substitution between energy and domestic goods is realistically low, increases in energy prices depress real incomes and cause a recession, even if the central bank does not tighten monetary policy. Imported energy inflation can spill over to wage inflation through a wage-price spiral, but this does not mitigate the decline in real wages. Monetary tightening has limited effect on imported inflation when done in isolation, but can be powerful when done in coordination with other energy importers by lowering world energy demand. Fiscal policy, especially energy price subsidies, can isolate individual energy importers from the shock, but it has large negative externalities on other economies.


*1:ungated版の本文では、「Even in this case, the rise in nominal wages does not mitigate the real wage decline caused by the shock: instead, the rise in nominal prices always outpaces the rise in nominal wages.」と記述されている。

*2:ungated版の本文では、「In contrast to these domestic benefits, we find that fiscal policy imposes strongly negative externalities on other countries. This is most salient for energy price subsidies. Since these subsidies limit incentives to substitute away from energy, world energy prices increase in response. The policy of any individual country only causes a small increase in world prices, but when all energy importers employ price subsidies, world energy demand becomes almost price inelastic, requiring a sharp rise in prices to clear the world energy market. This makes subsidies largely self-defeating: they are unable to effectively insulate countries from the shock, and cause such a burden on government balance sheets that even a smoothed tax plan significantly deepens the recession. Transfers also cause negative externalities on other energy importers, albeit to a lesser extent.」と記述されている。