というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Enclaves and Assimilation in the Age of Mass Migration: Evidence from Ethnic Catholic Churches」で、著者はRan Abramitzky(スタンフォード大)、Leah Platt Boustan(プリンストン大)、Osea Giuntella(ピッツバーグ大)。
Immigrant enclaves offer valuable ethnic amenities but may delay assimilation. We study enclave formation in the Age of Mass Migration by using the centralized location decisions for “ethnic” Catholic churches. After a church opening, same-ethnicity residents of chosen neighborhoods experienced falling earnings but strengthened communal ties, as compared to residents of areas matched on baseline characteristics. Treated residents held more manual occupations, and increased in-group marriage and naming. These effects persist into the second generation and are not observed for non-ethnic neighbors. Consistent with the historical record, Poles organized communal life around neighborhood parishes, but Italians were less church-centered.
2世紀に亘る世代間の移動性 - himaginary’s diaryで触れたようにAbramitzkyとBoustanは移民が経済的に裕福になる移動性について研究をしていたが、今回は教会という少し毛色の変わった切り口からその問題に取り組んだようである。