というNBER論文をシュライファーらが書いている(ungated版)。原題は「Over-reaction in Macroeconomic Expectations」で、著者はPedro Bordalo(オックスフォード大)、Nicola Gennaioli(ボッコーニ大)、Yueran Ma(シカゴ大)、Andrei Shleifer(ハーバード大)。
We study the rationality of individual and consensus professional forecasts of macroeconomic and financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015), which examines predictability of forecast errors from forecast revisions. We report two key findings: forecasters typically over-react to their individual news, while consensus forecasts under-react to average forecaster news. To reconcile these findings, we combine the diagnostic expectations model of belief formation from Bordalo, Gennaioli, and Shleifer (2018) with Woodford’s (2003) noisy information model of belief dispersion. The forward looking nature of diagnostic expectations yields additional implications, which we also test and confirm. A structural estimation exercise indicates that our model captures important variation in the data, yielding a value for the belief distortion parameter similar to estimates obtained in other settings
To allow for over-reaction, we assume that – in processing the noisy signal – agents are swayed by representativeness. ...Agents exaggerate the probability of more representative states (states that have become relatively more likely) and underestimate the probability of others. Representativeness causes expectations to follow a modified Kalman filter that exaggerates the signal to noise ratio of news. As in earlier work, we call expectations distorted by representativeness “diagnostic.”
In this model, under-reaction in the consensus can be reconciled with over-reaction at the individual level, but only when each forecaster over-reacts to the news he receives. When each forecaster over-reacts to his own information, the econometrician detects negative predictability of his forecast error at the individual level. At the consensus level, however, predictability may still be positive, provided the distortion caused by representativeness is not too strong. The reason is that, while over-reacting to his own signal, each individual forecaster does not react to the signals observed by the other forecasters. Because all signals are informative and on average correct about the state, the average forecast under-reacts to the average information.
Our analysis demonstrates that judging whether individuals under- or over-react to information on the basis of consensus forecasts may be misleading. Even if all forecasters over-react, as under diagnostic expectations, looking at consensus forecasts may point to under-reaction simply because different analysts over-react in different directions to partial information.
The general logic of these tests relies on the “kernel of truth” property of diagnostic expectations, which holds that belief updating exaggerates true patterns in the data. This property yields testable predictions both across different series and in the time series of individual variables.
We present cross sectional tests in Section 5.1. We show first that, upon receiving news, individuals’ forecast revisions are stronger for variables whose time series exhibit more persistence. This is consistent with diagnostic expectations and with rational inattention, but not with adaptive expectations in which the updating rule is fixed. We then show that the individual-level CG coefficient of overreaction documented in Section 3 is closer to zero for series that are very persistent. This is in line with diagnostic expectations: as persistence increases, rational forecast revisions are more volatile (and in fact the signal to noise ratio increases) which reduces the scope for overreaction.
In Section 5.2 we develop a time-series test of the kernel of truth. ...diagnostic expectations exaggerate both short-term momentum and long-term reversals. We find that these predictions are borne out in the data.