
というNBER論文をアンドレイ・シュライファーらが上げているungated版*1。原題は「Long Term Expectations and Aggregate Fluctuations」で、著者はPedro Bordalo(オックスフォード大)、Nicola Gennaioli(ボッコーニ大)、Rafael La Porta(ブラウン大)、Matthew O'Brien(ハーバード大)、Andrei Shleifer(同)。

In line with Keynes’ intuition, volatility in the stock market and in real economic activity are linked by expectations of long term profits. We show that analysts’ optimism about the long term earnings growth of S&P 500 firms is associated with a near term boom in major US financial markets, real investment, and other business cycle indicators. The same optimism however predicts disappointing earnings growth and a contraction in financial markets and real activity one to two years later. Overreaction of measured long term profit expectations emerges as a promising mechanism for reconciling Shiller’s excess volatility puzzle with the business cycle.