
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のサイト)。タイラー・コーエンも取り上げているが、それによると、戦時には株式のボラティリティが33%低下するという。原題は「Stock Volatility and the War Puzzle」で、著者はGustavo S. Cortes(フロリダ大)、Angela Vossmeyer(クレアモント・マッケナ大)、Marc D. Weidenmier(チャップマン大)。

We investigate the war puzzle first identified by Schwert (1989) in his classic paper on stock volatility. Curiously, U.S. stock volatility during World War I, World War II, and the Korean War was surprisingly low. We hypothesize that stock volatility is low during war and periods of conflict for two reasons. First, virtually all major U.S. military conflicts except the War of 1812 and the American Civil War have been fought on foreign soil. This fact spares the U.S. from damage or destruction of the capital stock. Second, massive military spending and government-guaranteed contracts during periods of conflicts reduce uncertainty about the future profitability of firms. Using the ratio of defense spending to total spending, we document that there is a negative and statistically significant impact of military spending on aggregate stock volatility, especially during periods of major wars and conflict. Disaggregating defense spending into Army, Navy, Air Force, and Other Defense Agencies components, we find that the decline in aggregate stock volatility is largely explained by Navy, Air Force, and Other Defense Agencies spending. We believe that this result can be explained by the fact that these branches have large, long-term contracts with significant spillovers to private firms. Next, we look at the relationship between stock volatility and defense spending at the sector level. Again, we find strong evidence of a negative relationship between stock volatility at the sector level and military spending on goods and services.
We then use a difference-in-differences setting to formally test the hypothesis that military conflict makes firms’ profits easier to forecast due to expectations of massive government purchases. We identify this effect by analyzing the dispersion of earnings per share forecasts released by equity analysts for each firm. Overall, we find empirical evidence consistent with our hypothesis and our proposed explanation of the war puzzle. The expectation of large future government purchases of military goods and services seems to reduce the uncertainty of future profits for defense firms, making it easier for analysts and investors to forecast future profits and lowering stock volatility.
Finally, we examine the impact of U.S defense spending spending on global stock return volatility. A simple GARCH(1,1) model shows that U.S. military spending lowers global stock volatility. The result suggests that U.S. military spending may act as a deterrent to global conflict. Overall, the empirical analysis demonstrates that government spending plays an important role in explaining why U.S. stock volatility is so low during periods of conflict. Our paper provides an economic explanation for a puzzle identified in one of the most influential papers in the history of finance (Schwert (1989)).

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