というNBER論文が上がっている(5月時点のWP*1)。原題は「Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Aggregate vs. Aggregated Inflation Expectations」で*2、著者はAlexander Dietrich(デンマーク国立銀行)、Edward S. Knotek II(クリーブランド連銀)、Kristian O. Myrseth(ヨーク大)、Robert W. Rich(クリーブランド連銀)、Raphael Schoenle(ブランダイス大)、Michael Weber(シカゴ大)。
This paper introduces a novel measure of consumer inflation expectations: We elicit and combine inflation forecasts across categories of personal consumption expenditure to form an aggregated measure of inflation expectations. Drawing on nearly 60,000 respondents, our data comprise the early low-inflation environment of the COVID pandemic and the 2021 inflation surge. Conventionally elicited inflation expectations consistently exceed aggregated measures constructed under plausible weighting schemes. Aggregated measures display less disagreement and volatility and are stronger predictors of consumers’ spending plans. The relative informational value of aggregated measures rises with the individual-level gap between conventional and aggregated inflation expectations. Our results chart a new course for designing measurement of inflation expectations.