というNY連銀論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「The Curious Case of the Rise in Deflation Expectations」で、著者は同連銀のOlivier Armantier、Gizem Kosar、Jason Somerville、Giorgio Topa、Wilbert van der Klaauw、John C. Williams。
We study the behavior of U.S. consumers’ inflation expectations during the high inflation period of 2021-22 using data from the Survey of Consumer Expectations. Short- and, to a lesser extent, medium-term inflation expectations rose as inflation surged in 2021. Disagreement and uncertainty about future inflation increased significantly. Then, in 2022, even as inflation continued to climb, medium- and longer-term inflation expectations unexpectedly fell and medium- and longer-term deflation expectations increased. We find that respondents with deflation expectations tend to expect prices to mean revert and are more optimistic about the economic outlook.