というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「A Fiscal Theory of Trend Inflation」で、著者はFrancesco Bianchi(ジョンズ・ホプキンズ大)、Renato Faccini(デンマーク国立銀行)、Leonardo Melosi(シカゴ連銀)。
We develop a new class of general equilibrium models with partially unfunded debt to propose a fiscal theory of trend inflation. In response to business cycle shocks, the monetary authority controls inflation, and the fiscal authority stabilizes debt. However, the central bank accommodates unfunded fiscal shocks, causing persistent movements in inflation, output, and real interest rates. In an estimated quantitative model, fiscal trend inflation accounts for the bulk of inflation dynamics. As external validation, we show that the model predicts the post-pandemic increase in inflation. Unfunded fiscal shocks sustain the recovery and cause an increase in trend inflation that counteracts deflationary non-policy shocks.
*1:本文の導入部では「We first illustrate the distinction between funded and unfunded fiscal shocks in the context of a Fisherian model. Funded and unfunded shocks coexist in the model. The difference between the two types of shocks is that funded fiscal shocks are backed by future fiscal adjustments, while unfunded fiscal shocks are not. As a result, funded fiscal shocks are irrelevant for inflation, while unfunded fiscal shocks lead to an increase in inflation accommodated by the central bank.」と説明している。