というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Toward a Holistic Approach to Central Bank Trust」で、著者はSandra Eickmeier(独連銀)、Luba Petersen(サイモン・フレーザー大)。
We examine public trust in the European Central Bank (ECB) and its determinants using data from the Bundesbank Household Panel survey for Germany. Employing an interdisciplinary approach that integrates insights from political science and psychology, we offer a fresh perspective on the factors influencing central bank trust that is more holistic than the conventional one. Our primary findings can be summarized as follows. Households who state that competence, which we define as the ECB's performance in maintaining stable prices and making decisions grounded in rules, science, and data, matters for their trust in the ECB, tend to express higher trust in the ECB. Conversely, those who place greater importance on values, particularly the integrity of top central bankers, honest communication and broader concern, tend to trust the ECB less. Trust in the ECB also hinges on trust in political institutions more generally and, to a lesser extent, on generalized trust (i.e. trust in others).
Our paper has important implications for central banks. One is to emphasize shared values with the public, in addition to price stability and decisions grounded in scientific principles, rules, analyses, and facts. The other is to pay attention to the factors underlying the political crisis (evidenced by polarization, populism, and social unrest), which extends beyond central banks, as well as those underlying low generalized trust.
【公用車で六本木へ】日銀次期総裁・植田和男氏、高級クラブで繰り返し豪遊の過去 美人ホステスと同伴中銀総裁に庶民感覚は必要ない、という意見も少なからずあるが、最新の研究からは必ずしもそうとは言い切れないかも。 <a href="https://himaginary.hatenablog.com/entry/20220804/Promise_or_False_Hope" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">https://himaginary.hatenablog.com/entry/20220804/Promise_or_False_Hope</a> <a href="https://himaginary.hatenablog.com/entry/20211101/ECBtwitter" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">https://himaginary.hatenablog.com/entry/20211101/ECBtwitter</a>
2023/02/17 18:35