
というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエンungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「McCarthyism, Media, and Political Repression: Evidence from Hollywood」で、著者はHui Ren Tan(シンガポール国立大)、Tianyi Wang(トロント大)。

Demagogues have existed throughout history, yet empirical evidence on their impact remains limited. This paper assembles a unique collection of novel data to study the effects of a far-reaching episode of demagoguery in Cold War America: the anti-communist witch-hunt in Hollywood. From the late 1940s through 1950s, hundreds of people in the entertainment industry were accused of having communist ties or sympathies. These accusations were not random but systematic, targeting prominent and progressive personalities with dissenting views. Actors and screenwriters who were accused suffered a setback in their careers that lasted for a decade or longer. Beyond the accused, the anti-communist hysteria also had a chilling effect on film content and freedom of expression, as non-accused filmmakers avoided progressive topics. The decline in progressive films, in turn, made society more conservative.
Our paper provides the first empirical evidence of how demagoguery can affect civil liberties and democratic norms. McCarthyism not only jeopardized individual careers but also stifled dissent and freedom of thought, reshaping political preferences in society. While set during the Cold War, our findings offer more general insights on the substantial influence that demagogues wield and the vulnerabilities of the public to that influence.
