
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Exchange Rate Determination under Limits to CIP Arbitrage」で、著者はPhilippe Bacchetta(ローザンヌ大)、J. Scott Davis(ダラス連銀)、Eric van Wincoop(バージニア大)。

Recent theories of exchange rate determination have emphasized limited UIP arbitrage by international financial institutions. New regulations since 2008 have also lead to imperfect CIP arbitrage. We show that under limited CIP arbitrage the exchange rate and CIP deviation are jointly determined by equilibrium in the FX spot and swap markets. The model is used to investigate the impact of a wide range of financial shocks. The exchange rate is affected by a new set of financial shocks that operate through the swap market, which have no effect under perfect CIP arbitrage. More familiar financial shocks that impact the spot market have an amplified effect on the exchange rate as a result of their feedback to the swap market. Implications of the model are consistent with a broad range of evidence.

ドル不足、CIPからの乖離、およびドルの避難先としての役割 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文を改稿したものとのことだが、CIP裁定だけでなくUIP裁定もモデルの前面に持ってきたこと、オフショア市場でのドル不足からスワップ市場を通じたショックの伝播に焦点を移したこと、などが違いのようである。