
というNBER論文が上がっている2年前のWP)。原題は「Strategic Interactions in U.S. Monetary and Fiscal Policies」で、著者はXiaoshan Chen(ダーラム大)、Eric M. Leeper(バージニア大)、Campbell B. Leith(グラスゴー大)。

We estimate a model in which fiscal and monetary policy behavior arise from the optimizing behavior of distinct policy authorities, with potentially different welfare functions. Optimal time-consistent policy behavior fits U.S. time series at least as well as rules-based behavior. American policies often do not conform to the conventional mix of conservative monetary policy and debt-stabilizing fiscal policy. Even after the Volcker disinflation, policies did not achieve that conventional mix, as fiscal policy did not act to stabilize debt until the mid 1990s. A credible conservative central bank that follows a time-consistent fiscal policy leader would come close to mimicking the cooperative Ramsey policy. Had that strategic policy mix been in place, American might have avoided the Great Inflation. Enhancing cooperation between policy makers without an ability to commit may be detrimental to welfare.


The improvement in policy making is typically associated with the Volcker disinflation which tends to be dated as occurring in 1979, or shortly afterwards. Despite the magnitude of the literature examining this issue, there is very little work examining what role fiscal policy played in the development of trend-inflation. This is somewhat surprising when one contrasts the development of inflation, real interest rates and fiscal variables including the debt to GDP ratio (see Figure 1) where the upward trend in inflation prior to the 1980s appears to be associated with a downward trend in the debt to GDP ratio, while the moderation in inflation came at a time of a step increase in the real interest rate and rising debt to GDP ratio, at least until 1995.

...we consider other types of policy making in addition to simple policy rules. Specifically, following Chen et al(2017), we allow monetary policy to be conducted optimally, but under time-consistent policy with fluctuations in the degree of inflation conservatism. We also allow fiscal policy to transition between active/passive fiscal rules and optimal time-consistent policy making where the fiscal authority acts as a Stackelberg leader in a game with the optimizing monetary authority. We find that this set of potential policy regimes offers a data-preferred description of monetary and fiscal policy relative to the usual rule-based approach.
When we consider time-consistent optimal policy the movement between regimes is more nuanced and it is rare that policy combinations conform to something akin to the usual active/passive pairings. In particular the first part of the sample period often features a less conservative monetary authority, even although the rule-based estimations would find that the active monetary policy regime was in place. Similarly, the optimal policy based estimation does not convincingly find that the Volcker disinflation was followed by a permanent shift to a debt-stabilizing fiscal policy in the same way that conventional rule-based estimates do. In short, our data-preferred estimates do not support the common assumption that post-Volcker monetary policy is supported by a passive fiscal regime.