
クルーグマンが日本の4〜6期GDPの一次速報の結果を見て、表題のブログエントリ(原題は「Abenomics and the Single Arrow」)でアベノミクスについて考察している

Some disappointing numbers on Japanese GDP, and the usual suspects are out there denouncing Abenomics and calling for structural reform, the universal elixir. And the evidence that structural reform is the answer is …
What I believe to be the real lesson of Abenomics so far is the limits of monetary policy. There were supposed to be three arrows — monetary policy, fiscal expansion, and, yes, structural reform. But really only the monetary arrow was fired....
Overall, fiscal policy in Japan has actually gotten tighter, not looser, since Abenomics began, mainly thanks to the consumption tax hike; other measures didn’t offset this much.
So all the weight rested on unconventional monetary policy, which did succeed in depressing the yen and pushing up stocks, but hasn’t been enough to generate a convincing boom or rise in inflation.
And that appears to not be enough, just as the ECB’s actions haven’t been enough without fiscal support. Never mind the third arrow: what we need is the second.
日本のGDPの数字はやや期待外れの結果となった。いつもの面々はアベノミクスを批判し、普遍的な万能薬たる構造改革を求めている。そして、構造改革が答えになる、という証拠は …