
と題したエントリ(原題は「Was Volcker disinflation actually Burns disinflation?」)でMostly Economicsが、リッチモンド連銀のThomas A. Lubik、Christian Matthes、Tim Sablikが書いた小論を紹介している。

Economists often describe the Great Inflation of the 1970s as a failure of the monetary policy actions of the Federal Reserve under Chairman Arthur Burns. According to conventional wisdom, when Paul Volcker became chairman of the Fed in 1979, he implemented changes that ushered in a period of disinflation. This Economic Brief challenges this standard narrative in two ways. First, it argues that the “Volcker disinflation” had its roots in 1974. And second, Volcker’s actions were the culmination of a gradual shift in policy that began under Burns rather than an abrupt shift.


In order to better understand why the transition from the Great Inflation to the Great Moderation occurred when it did, two of the authors of this article (Lubik and Matthes) developed a model for analyzing how the Fed sets monetary policy and how these monetary policy decisions relate to economic outcomes.3
In this model, the Fed faces two important limitations. First, policymakers at the Fed are unable to directly observe the true structure of the economy. Instead, they learn about the economy by observing economic outcomes over time and updating their beliefs. Economic volatility, caused by shocks like those that occurred in the 1970s, can actually make it easier for the Fed to learn because it provides a greater number of different data points that the Fed can use to infer the true structure of the economy.4 This learning process is complicated by the Fed’s second limitation, however. Its observations and decisions are based on initial data releases, which are subject to measurement errors. When real-time data contain large errors, the Fed is more likely to misinterpret the state of the economy and choose the wrong policy response.5
Applying real-time data to their model, Lubik and Matthes confirm that the shift toward appropriate, more anti-inflationary monetary policy occurred in the early 1980s, which coincides with the start of the Great Moderation. But their model also identifies an earlier period of appropriate policy starting in late 1974. They argue that this earlier policy shift laid the foundation for the Volcker disinflation.
...Lubik and Matthes’ model shows that the Fed’s response was enough to put the economy on a stable path toward lower inflation, which lasted for roughly a year. But in part because of the Fed’s tightening, the economy dipped deeper into recession. The initial data from the first quarter of 1975 suggested a 10 percent loss (annualized) in GDP. At the same time, initial data suggested that inflationary pressures were contained. These early reports turned out to be false. The GDP numbers were later revised to a loss of about 5 percent, and inflation would rise again throughout the decade. But the initial data, coupled with political pressure to stimulate the economy, shook the Fed’s resolve as seen through the lens of Lubik and Matthes’ model.
In 1975, the Fed pulled back on its disinflationary stance, but not completely. Lubik and Matthes’ model shows that while the Fed’s responsiveness to inflation declined, it gradually moved toward a more predictable and disinflationary policy throughout the rest of the 1970s. Looking at the Fed’s long-run responses to inflation and changes in output — as modeled by Lubik and Matthes — the Volcker disinflation doesn’t appear to have been a dramatic shift in policy. Rather, it was the consistent follow-through of a gradual shift in the Fed’s inflation response that began in 1974. (See Figure 1.)



*1:原注:Thomas A. Lubik and Christian Matthes, “Indeterminacy and Learning: An Analysis of Monetary Policy in the Great Inflation,” Journal of Monetary Economics, September 2016, vol. 82, pp. 85–106. A working paper version is available online.

*2:原注:Many papers have used learning models to explain the Fed’s actions during the Great Inflation. See for example, Timothy Cogley and Thomas J. Sargent, “The Conquest of US Inflation: Learning and Robustness to Model Uncertainty,” Review of Economic Dynamics, April 2005, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 528–563. A working paper version is available online.

*3:原注:Some economists have noted that real-time measurements of the output gap (the difference between the economy’s potential and actual growth) worsened in the 1970s, leading to large data adjustments after the fact. See Athanasios Orphanides, “The Quest for Prosperity Without Inflation,” Journal of Monetary Economics, April 2003, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 633–663. A working paper version is available online.