
という、ファーマ=フレンチの「The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns」論文のタイトルを予想から歴史に転じさせたような題名のNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「The History of the Cross Section of Stock Returns」で、著者はJuhani T. Linnainmaa(南カリフォルニア*1)、Michael Roberts(ペンシルベニア大)。

Using data spanning the 20th century, we show that most accounting-based return anomalies are spurious. When examined out-of-sample by moving either backward or forward in time, anomalies' average returns decrease, and volatilities and correlations with other anomalies increase. The data-snooping problem is so severe that even the true asset pricing model is expected to be rejected when tested using in-sample data. Our results suggest that asset pricing models should be tested using out-of-sample data or, when not feasible, by whether a model is able to explain half of the in-sample alpha.
