
というやや煽情的な見出し(原題は「The final collapse of CAPM?」)を付けてタイラー・コーエンがこちらのNBER論文を紹介している。論文の原題は「Corporate Valuation: An Empirical Comparison of Discounting Methods」で、著者はNicolas Hommel(プリンストン大)、Augustin Landier(パリ経営大学院)、David Thesmar(MIT)。

We compare how good various valuation techniques are at explaining the cross-section of equity prices. Using forecasts of future payouts to equity and characteristics of firms observed at a given point in time (excluding the price itself), we predict equity values with several techniques, most of them involving the present value formula that is widely taught in the classroom. We compare these predicted values to effective prices, and rank valuation techniques based on their ability to reduce the cross-sectional mean square error. We find that computing a discount rate by using the CAPM or other models of expected returns is highly detrimental, when it comes to predict the cross-section of price levels. Even a simple constant multiple of forecasted earnings does better as a valuation tool. Discounting with a simple horizon-independent imputed ICC, function of firm characteristics, obtains better results in our validation sample. Allowing for time-varying expected returns provides a marginal improvement vis-a-vis this method, and in some instances, an a-structural approach, using machine learning does even better. Overall, we recommend an alternative valuation method to what is taught in the classroom. While CAPM-based valuation is normatively grounded (under heavy model assumptions), it is a very poor predictor of the cross-section of firm prices. We propose, as an implementable alternative, to use discount rates obtained on comparables – e.g. by industry. Such discount rates are very easy to use. They yield an MSE that is about 5 times smaller than CAPM-implied discount rate. They provide more accurate valuation figures, are very easy to implement and can thus be easily taught in class.


We then explore three alternative models, that are not based on expected returns. The first one is a multiple of earnings forecasts, projected on firm characteristics. The statistical projection is estimated on the training sample and using past information only. This projected multiple is then estimated for any firm in our validation sample and multiplied by the firm’s one-year EPS forecast. The second NPV-based model uses an imputed “Implied Cost of Capital (ICC)”. To do this, we first follow the large accounting literature initiated by Gebhardt et al. (2001), and compute the ICC as the internal rate of return as the discount rate that equals the market price to the present value of expected cash-flows. We then project, still in the training sample, the resulting ICC on firm characteristics. We finally use the fitted relation to estimate imputed ICC on the validation sample, which we inject into the present value formula. The third and last approach is a variant of the imputed ICC that flexibly allows for time-varying expected returns, at the cost of a Campbell-Shiller log linearization (Campbell, 2017). This last approach is roughly equivalent to discounting all future cash-flows at 5%, and adding a multiplicative term that minimizes in-sample MSE. This term contains the possible effect of time-varying expected returns.
Finally, we report, for the sake of comparison, the performance of a fully flexible, purely statistical model of price prediction. This model uses the same observables as the NPV-based models, as well as cash-flow forecasts, but it does not assume that the PV formula holds. It is estimated using random-forest algorithms, and represents the best prediction one can obtain, if one is willing to give up the structure imposed by present value formula.


*2:cf. これ
