と題したエントリ(原題は「Gender inflation expectations gap」)でMostly Economicsがサビーネ・マウデラー(Sabine Mauderer)ドイツ連銀理事の講演を紹介している。以下はその引用の孫引き。
Central bankers care a great deal about inflation expectations, because they indicate whether monetary policy is credible in maintaining price stability. What we observe is that women’s inflation expectations tend to be higher than men’s – especially in times of sharply rising grocery store prices. 3 Why? The answer is simple: Because women tend to do most of the weekly shopping. 4 As consumers, we observe and focus on the prices we encounter in our daily routines. These perceptions shape our expectations for future inflation.
When asked about future inflation, women place a greater focus on perceived food price inflation than men, who care more about the price developments of transportation and housing.5 While central bankers are generally aware of this “gender expectations gap”, ECB staff – in a recent blog – pointed to a need to gain a better understanding of how consumers form and update their inflation expectations.
This, they concluded, would not only enhance the analysis of the macroeconomic implications of monetary policy decisions. It would also bolster the credibility of central banks, especially when accompanied by a differentiated communication strategy.
中央銀行家はインフレ予想を大いに気に掛ける。金融政策が物価の安定を維持する上で信頼できるかどうかをそれが示すからである。我々が観測したのは、女性のインフレ予想が男性に比べて高いという傾向である。特に食料品店の価格が急激に上昇している時期はそうである*1。なぜか? その答えは単純で、女性が毎週の買い物の大部分を行う傾向にあるからである*2。消費者として我々は、日々のルーチンで目にする価格を観察し、重点を置く。その認識が我々の将来のインフレ予想を形成する。