供給ショックからインフレへの波及はどのように全面的なものとなるのか? コロナ禍期の欧州の実証結果

というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「How Do Supply Shocks to Inflation Generalize? Evidence from the Pandemic Era in Europe」で、著者はViral V. Acharya(NYU)、Matteo Crosignani(NY連銀)、Tim Eisert(ノバ経済経営学院)、Christian Eufinger(IESEビジネススクール)。

We document how supply-chain pressures, household inflation expectations, and firm pricing power interacted to induce the pandemic-era surge in consumer price inflation in the euro area. Initially, supply-chain pressures increased inflation through a cost-push channel and raised inflation expectations. Subsequently, the cost-push channel intensified as firms with high pricing power increased product markups in sectors witnessing high demand. Eventually, even though supply-chain pressures eased, these firms were able to further increase markups due to the stickiness of inflation expectations. The resulting persistent impact on inflation suggests supply-side impulses can generalize into broad-based inflation via an interaction of household expectations and firm pricing power.