というNBER論文(原題は「Zero Lower Bound on Inflation Expectations」)をYuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)とDmitriy Sergeyev(ボッコーニ大)が上げている。以下はその要旨。
We document a new fact: in U.S., European and Japanese surveys, households do not expect deflation, even in environments where persistent deflation is a strong possibility. This fact stands in contrast to the standard macroeconomic models with rational expectations. We extend a standard New Keynesian model with a zero-lower bound on inflation expectations. Unconventional monetary policies, such as forward guidance, are weaker. In liquidity traps, the government spending output multiplier is finite, and adverse aggregate supply shocks are not expansionary. The possibility of confidence-driven liquidity traps is attenuated.
...via the Phillips curve, actual inflation is less likely to turn deeply negative if expected inflation is stuck at zero. This result can explain why Japan has not demonstrated elevated macroeconomic volatility predicted by FIRE-based models despite spending nearly three decades at the ELB on nominal interest rates.
The ZLB constraint on expected inflation also affects the effectiveness of unconventional policy tools based on the management of expectations. For instance, the presence of a ZLB on expected inflation weakens the effectiveness of forward guidance, since expected inflation is no longer sensitive to policy announcements. Likewise, persistent negative interest rates are less powerful when inflation expectations are constrained by its lower bound. This is because anticipation of future negative interest rates may not lift inflation expectations above its constraint. Thus, the effect of negative interest rates policy is limited to its contemporaneous effect only. Average inflation targeting (AIT) may also be less attractive because inflationary shocks could be harder to control when households do not anticipate a possibility of deflation in the future (more realistically, significant disinflations).
The ZLB on inflation expectations qualitatively modifies economy’s response to shocks. For example, standard New Keynesian models with the FIRE beliefs predict that negative aggregate supply shocks, such as higher taxes on firms, increase output gap during the ELB on the nominal interest rate. This prediction appears to be at odds with the data. Relatedly, according to the standard model, government spending multipliers can be arbitrarily large with the nominal interest rate stuck at the ELB while the empirical evidence points to larger but still relatively modest multipliers. We show that these predictions of FIRE-based models are no longer the case when inflation expectations are at zero.
With the ZLB constraint on expected inflation, self-fulfilling liquidity traps are less prevalent. Typical New Keynesian models with Taylor rules that strongly react to inflation unless constrained by the ELB feature two steady states. In a conventional steady state, inflation is at its target and output gap equals zero. In a liquidity trap steady state, the nominal interest rate is zero, inflation and output gap are negative. Importantly, inflation expectations are also negative. The ZLB on inflation expectations rules out such a steady state by preventing agents to believe in deflation. We also show that the ZLB on inflation expectations reduces the possibility of a temporary confidence-driven liquidity traps.