
14日に紹介したテイラーのブログエントリ経由の論文をもう一丁。以下は、テイラーが「important recent work」としてリンクしたMichael KileyとJohn Roberts(いずれもFRBエコノミスト)の表題の論文(原題は「Monetary policy in a low interest rate world」)の要旨。

Nominal interest rates may remain substantially below the averages of the last half-century, as central bank’s inflation objectives lie below the average level of inflation and estimates of the real interest rate likely to prevail over the long run fall notably short of the average real interest rate experienced over this period. Persistently low nominal interest rates may lead to more frequent and costly episodes at the effective lower bound (ELB) on nominal interest rates. We revisit the frequency and potential costs of such episodes in a low interest-rate world in a dynamic-stochastic-general-equilibrium (DSGE) model and large-scale econometric model, the FRB/US model. A number of conclusions emerge. First, monetary policy strategies based on traditional simple policy rules lead to poor economic performance when the equilibrium real interest rate is low, with economic activity and inflation more volatile and systematically falling short of desirable levels. Moreover, the frequency and length of ELB episodes under such policy approaches is estimated to be significantly higher than in previous studies. Second, a risk-adjustment to a simple rule in which monetary policymakers are more accommodative, on average, than prescribed by the rule ensures that inflation averages its 2 percent objective – and requires that policymakers systematically seek inflation near 3 percent when the ELB is not binding. Third, commitment strategies in which monetary accommodation is not removed until either inflation or economic activity overshoot their long-run objectives are very effective in both the DSGE and FRB/US model. Finally, raising the inflation target above 2 percent can mitigate the deterioration in economic performance; the desirability of such an approach ultimately hinges on the economic costs of inflation averaging more than 2 percent and assessments of the feasibility of commitment strategies.