というNBER論文をCoibionとGorodnichenkoのコンビらが上げている(ungated版)。原題は「Communication and the Beliefs of Economic Agents」で、著者はBernardo Candia(UCバークレー)、Olivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)。
New surveys provide a wealth of information on how economic agents form their expectations and how those expectations shape their decisions. We review recent evidence on how changes in macroeconomic expectations, particularly inflation expectations, affect households’ and firms’ actions. We show that the provision of information about inflation to households and firms can sometimes backfire in terms of their subsequent decisions. Whether or not this is the case hinges on how individuals interpret the news about inflation: supply-side interpretations (“inflation is bad for the economy”) lead to negative income effects, which can depress economic activity. We show that households in advanced economies, unlike professional forecasters, typically have such a supply-side interpretation, as do many firms. New communication strategies could avoid public misinterpretation of policy decisions.
「新たなコミュニケーション戦略」についてungated版の結論部では以下のように書かれている(cf. ここで紹介した論文)。
In particular, we propose that central bankers focus on simple, transparent and “holistic” messages to the broader public. Simplicity and transparency are needed to break through the veil of inattention. A holistic approach is needed to ensure that desired effects are not confounded with unintended income or information effects. This is especially true when it comes to inflation and monetary policy, topics that the public is notoriously uninformed about. Emphasizing the desired outcomes, rather than the instruments or the mechanisms, provides a way to inform in an effective manner.