一つは表題の論文(原題は「The Macroeconomic Expectations of U.S. Managers」)で、著者はEthan M. L. McClure(UCバークレー)、Olivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)。以下はその要旨。
Using responses obtained through the Nielsen Homescan panel survey, we explore the differences between managers’ and non-managers’ expectations and perceptions of inflation and unemployment. By and large, managers and non-managers exhibit similar average inflation and unemployment expectations as well as similar levels of disagreement and sensitivity to information provided in a randomized control trial. Finally, the inflation expectations of managers deviate systematically from the predictions of “anchored” expectations.
もう一つは「The Subjective Inflation Expectations of Households and Firms: Measurement, Determinants, and Implications」で(ungated(SSRN)版)、著者はMichael Weber(シカゴ大)、Francesco D’Acunto(ボストンカレッジ)、Olivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)。以下はその要旨。
Households’ and firms’ subjective inflation expectations play a central role in macroeconomic and intertemporal microeconomic models. We discuss how subjective inflation expectations are measured, the patterns they display, their determinants, and how they shape households’ and firms’ economic choices in the data and help us make sense of the observed heterogeneous reactions to business-cycle shocks and policy interventions. We conclude by highlighting the relevant open questions and why tackling them is important for academic research and policy making.