
カサブランカ*1のボギー流に言えばそうなるのだろうが――あるいは宇崎竜童流に言えば「一寸前なら憶えちゃいるが 一年前だとチトわからねエなあ」といったところか――Carola Binderが「The Future is Uncertain, but So Is the Past(未来は不確かだが、過去もまたそうだ)」と題したブログエントリで、人々のインフレ認識について調べたFRBの研究レポートを紹介している。

In many macroeconomic models, inflation perceptions should be nearly perfect. After all, inflation statistics are publicly available, and anyone should be able to access them. The Federal Reserve commissioned the Michigan Survey of Consumers Research Center to survey consumers about their perceptions of inflation over the past year and over the past 5- to 10-years, using analogous wording to the questions about inflation expectations. As you might guess, consumers lack perfect knowledge of inflation in the recent past. If you're like most people (which, by dent of reading an economic blog, you are probably not), you probably haven't looked up inflation statistics or read the financial news recently.
But more surprisingly, consumers seem just as uncertain about past inflation, or even more so, as about future inflation. Take a look at these histograms of inflation perceptions and expectations from the February 2016 survey data:

What does this tell us? People are just as unsure about inflation in the relatively recent past as they are about inflation in the near to medium-run future. And this says something important for monetary policymakers. A goal of the Federal Reserve is to anchor medium- to long-run inflation expectations at the 2% target. With strongly-anchored expectations, we should see most expectations near 2% with low uncertainty. If people are uncertain about longer-run inflation, it could either be that they are unaware of the Fed's inflation target, or aware but unconvinced that the Fed will actually achieve its target. It is difficult to say which is the case. The former would imply that we need more public informedness about economic concepts and the Fed, while the latter would imply that the Fed needs to improve its credibility among an already-informed public. Since perceptions are about as uncertain as expectations, this lends support to the idea that people are simply uninformed about inflation-- or that memory of economic statistics is relatively poor.
これは何を意味するのだろうか? 人々は、比較的最近のインフレ率についても、近い将来ないし中期的な将来のインフレ率と同じくらい不確かである、ということである。そしてこのことは金融政策当局者にとって重要な含意を持つ。FRBの目標は、中長期のインフレ期待を2%目標に固定することにある。期待が強く固定されていれば、不確実性が低い状態で期待の大部分が2%近くに集中するだろう。人々が中期のインフレ率について不確かというのであれば、彼らがFRBインフレ目標を知らないか、もしくは、知ってはいるがFRBが実際にその目標を達成することについて確信を持っていないか、のいずれかである。どちらが正しいか判別するのは難しい。前者ならば、人々にもっと経済概念とFRBについて知らしむべし、ということになるし、後者ならば、既に知識を得ている人々からの信認をFRBはもっと勝ち取るべし、ということになる。その話を敷衍すると、認識は期待と同じくらい不確実なので、人々は単にインフレについて知らないか、もしくは経済統計の記憶は残りにくいものなのだ、ということになる。


カサブランカ [Blu-ray]

カサブランカ [Blu-ray]