10/6エントリで触れた、ECB ForumでのCharles Goodhartの発言を要約した元IMFエコノミストのChris Marshのツイートを紹介しておく。
Then came Goodhart who we will now quote at length:
“The world at the moment is in really a rather extraordinary state because we have no General Theory of Inflation. We used to have two inter-connected theories. One of these was the Friedman monetary theory that inflation is always and everywhere a function of too much money...
"chasing too few goods.
Now that theory has become so discredited that central banks now as a general matter do not even mention monetary aggregates at all and seem embarrassed to do so. [Aside: not strictly true of the ECB, though downplayed since the Strategy Review.]
"Then of course there is the somewhat inter-connected Phillips Curve, the relationship between the natural level of unemployment and the rate of inflation. And that has also been behaving rather oddly.
"So, into this vacuum has come what I rather tend to consider as 'the bootstrap theory of inflation,' which is that as long as inflation expectations are anchored, inflation will also remain anchored.
"In other words that inflation depends on its expectations. Now this unfortunately is a very weak reed. It’s a very weak read because actual inflation expectations are much more closely associated …
with what has happened in the past, which people tend to extrapolate, than what is likely to happen in future.”
Goodhart then showed a chart of how the Michigan 5Y inflation expectations in the US are more a function of past than prospective inflation out turns. He continued...
“So that inflationary expectations are really not very good and not very useful in indicating what is likely to happen in future. They are adaptive and backwards looking.”
Goodhart then goes on to reference (and read from) the Rudd staff paper at the Federal Reserve last week.
Now it is a remarkable intervention from a respected senior member of the profession and former Bank of England MPC member, though entirely true, that the macroeconomics does not have a General Theory of Inflation.
またMarshは、上記の引用の後で、マクロ経済学には有効需要の一般理論もない、と述べている。そしてその問題が生じた主要な原因として、クルーグマンの「It's Baaack」論文と、エガートソン=ウッドフォードの「The Zero Bound on Interest Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy」論文を槍玉に挙げている。Marshに言わせれば、異時点間の枠組みを使って現在の問題を将来の行動で解決しようとするのは、所得の配分、資金の流れ、金融構造といった現時点の問題を蔑ろにするものであり、政策当局者の現時点の不作為を正当化するもの、とのことである。そうした枠組みでは予想が重要な役割を果たすが、グッドハートが指摘したように、予想は実際には過去の関数であるため、それに基づく政策は過ちを犯すことになる、とMarshは警告している。