というSF連銀のエコノミックレター記事(原題は「Return of the Original Phillips Curve」、著者はコペンハーゲン・ビジネススクールのPeter Lihn JørgensenとSF連銀のKevin J. Lansing)をMostly Economicsが紹介している。以下は同記事からの引用。
The link between changes in U.S. inflation and the output gap has weakened in recent decades. Over the same time, a positive link between the level of inflation and the output gap has emerged, reminiscent of the original 1958 version of the Phillips curve. This development is important because it indicates that structural changes in the economy have not eliminated the inflationary pressure of gap variables. Improved anchoring of people’s expectations for inflation, which makes the expected inflation term in the Phillips curve more stable, can account for both observations.
If lax monetary policy allows inflation to drift away from target often, then households and businesses will come to view inflation shocks as persistent, resulting in weak anchoring of expected inflation. In this case, expected inflation, which appears on the right side of the Phillips curve equation, can be approximated by lagged inflation because recent inflation influences people’s forecasts about future inflation. As a result, the change in inflation—defined as inflation minus lagged inflation—is positively linked to the value of the output gap. But if vigilant monetary policy keeps inflation close to target, then households and businesses will come to view inflation shocks as transitory, resulting in strong anchoring of expected inflation. In this case, expected inflation can be approximated by a constant value of 2%. As a result, the level of inflation on the left side of the Phillips curve equation becomes positively linked to the value of the output gap on the right side.
Nick Rowe/フリードマンのサーモスタット理論を想起させる話だが、実際、元となった論文では、本ブログで以前同様の感想を抱いて紹介した論文を参照している。