少し前に紹介したブログ記事でジョン・テイラーは数値的なインフレ目標の弊害を指摘していたが、そうした数値目標によるインフレ予想のアンカリング効果に着目した「Does Communicating a Numerical Inflation Target Anchor Inflation Expectations? Evidence & Bond Market Implications」という論文をカンザス連銀のBrent BundickとA. Lee Smithが書いている(H/T Economist's View)。
High-frequency empirical evidence suggests that inflation expectations in the United States became better anchored after the Federal Reserve began communicating a numerical inflation target. Using an event-study approach, we find that forward measures of inflation compensation became unresponsive to news about current inflation after the adoption of an explicit inflation target. In contrast, we find that forward measures of nominal compensation in Japan continued to drift with news about current inflation, even after the Bank of Japan adopted a numerical inflation target. These empirical findings have implications for the term structure of interest rates in the United States. In a calibrated macro-finance model, we show that the apparent anchoring of inflation expectations implies lower term premiums in longer-term bond yields and decreases the slope of the yield curve.
*1:解説記事では「market-based measures of inflation compensation - the extra remuneration investors receive for holding long-term securities not protected from inflation」と説明している。実際の指標としては、5年先時点における5年先のブレークイーブンインフレ率(five-year, five-year forward inflation compensation implied by the spread between Treasury yields and yields on Treasury inflation-protected securities)を用いたとの由。