次期ECB総裁の芽がやや遠のいたと噂されるイェンス・ヴァイトマン・ドイツ連銀総裁が、8/20-21にフランクフルトで開かれたCentral Bank Research Associationの年次大会の初日に講演を行い、同組織の略称CEBRAとzebraの類似性に引っ掛けて、金融政策とマクロプルーデンシャル政策との棲み分けについて語っている(H/T Mostly Economics)。
...zebra are also known for forming large herds and intermingling with other mammals, especially with wildebeest, which are also known as gnus. Both species subsist on grasses, and you might think that they compete for food. So how come they graze peacefully in mixed herds? What’s behind their special relationship?
Taking on financial stability as an additional objective for monetary policy would likely do more harm than good. Nevertheless, central banks can play a productive role in safeguarding financial stability. It certainly makes sense to harness central banks’ high level of expertise with regard to financial stability risks. However, the “weapon of choice” for combatting these risks is not monetary policy – it is macroprudential policy. In his first speech as a Governor at the Federal Reserve Board, Ben Bernanke demanded: “Use the right tool for the job.”
To stretch the analogy with the African fauna further, this is something we could compare to the feeding habits of zebra and wildebeest. They graze alongside each other, of course, but they actually feed from different grass heights, with zebra preferring taller grass and wildebeest focusing on short grass. Researchers have attributed this selection to anatomic differences in mouth dimensions.
In a similar vein, macroprudential instruments can be used in a far more targeted way than monetary policy. They cut the grass at a different level, so to speak. This is of particular use with respect to the euro area. Macroprudential tools can be employed at the level of member countries to combat problematic developments in national financial systems – developments that cannot be counteracted by the single monetary policy.
・・・シマウマはまた、大きな群れを形成して他の哺乳類と混在することで知られています。特にヌーとも呼ばれるウィルドビーストと混在します。どちらも草食ですので、食べ物を巡る争いがあると思われるかもしれません。では、いかにして彼らは混在した群れで平和に草を食んでいるのでしょうか? 彼らの特別な関係にはどのような背景があるのでしょうか?