By generating higher inflation, monetary policy could lower the real level of debt and thereby mitigate financial imbalances after their build-up. Thus, if monetary policy has been tasked with aiming for both price stability and financial stability, a time-inconsistency problem can arise. As Kenichi Ueda and Fabían Valencia have highlighted, such a central bank may have an incentive to deviate from the socially optimal inflation ex post.
Let us again consider the mixed herds of zebra and wildebeest in Africa. Their selection of different grass heights may account for the lack of food competition, but it cannot explain their intermingling. However, both species face common predators, especially lions. In this context, evidence suggests that zebra benefit from the presence of wildebeest: they spend considerably less time keeping watch for predators in a mixed herd than in a zebra-only herd of the same size. This finding could be due to the wildebeest’s superior ability to detect predators, as they may have better – and complementary – senses of smell and hearing.
In a similar vein, developments in the financial system can provide central banks with valuable information. In general, there is ample evidence that financial conditions do contain information about future economic activity.