
かねてから金融緩和策に懐疑的な議論を繰り広げている*1ウィリアム・ホワイト(William White)が表題のINET論文(原題は「Why The Monetary Policy Framework in Advanced Countries Needs Fundamental Reform」)を書いている(H/T Mostly Ecoomics)。

The objective pursued by most central banks in recent decades has been a low level of inflation. Since inflation was believed to respond to changes in unemployment, this implied a primary focus on labor markets and output gaps in the “real” economy when setting monetary policy. In contrast, “financial” sector developments were thought to be of no great importance.
It is argued in this paper that monetary policy should be guided much more by financial sector developments (credit and debt) and much less by near term targets for inflation. This argument is first supported by an empirical review of the negative outcomes produced by the current policy framework; in particular, financial bubbles have created ever larger bubbles which threaten future growth prospects. A second level of support is provided through questioning the need for and the effectiveness of easy money, and through pointing out its many unintended and dangerous consequences.
An alternative monetary policy framework would begin with the observation that an economy is a complex, adaptive system like many others in nature and society. From this perspective, arguments for introducing a “narrow money” regime need more attention.

「金融政策は金融部門の推移(信用と債務)をもっと指針とすべきで、短期のインフレ目標はそれほど指針とすべきでない」というのは、ここでリンクしたラジャンやブルナーメイヤーが批判的に考察した「financial dominance」*2を寧ろ積極的に推進する立場と言えそうである。


金融システムを金融危機に対し頑健にすべし、という議論はリーマンショック後にも盛んになったが(例えば「金融システム工学 - himaginary’s diary」で紹介したマイケル・スペンスの議論や、コトリコフなどが中心として唱えられたナローバンク*3)、最近は下火になった感がある。緩和的な金融政策に一貫して批判的な姿勢を示してきたホワイトが、今になってそうした議論を前面に打ち出すというのも面白いと言えば面白い。