アメリカン・エンタープライズ研究所が、10年間の量的緩和の教訓をテーマとした講演とパネル討論の会を6月に開催した(H/T Mostly Economics)。その終盤の会場からの質問への回答の中で、ジョー・ギャニオンが日本のこれまでの量的緩和政策に毒を吐いている。
When QE first happened, two central banks went in quickly, relatively boldly, although I would argue in hind-sight not boldly enough. But given the uncertainties, it was a reasonable thing that we did. And two central banks hung back. And I think they needed it, but they didn’t do it, and that was ECB in Japan.
And I think that lesson I learned from that is that if you are timid, the more timid you are in an environment of growing deflationary expectations or disinflationary expectations that get entrenched, it makes your job in the future harder because you’re gonna have to go against these entrenched disinflationary expectations, and that is hard.
And it’s better to act quick, before that gets set in. So I do think that what you said is exactly right because they were slow to enter, they’re actually going to be doing much more than they would have had to do otherwise and doing it much longer, and that to me is a lesson I learned.
And in particular on Japan. Yeah, I think Japan is really where the limits of QE are to be seen because they have 10-year bond yields at zero, literally zero. I never thought that was possible. If you would have asked me 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have believed it was possible.
It can’t go any further. You could just hold $100 bills in a safe and get a better return than a 10-year JGB. So why would you ever hold it? So that is the limit of QE in that space.
Now, I think they could do some more equity. They’re doing a bit of equity. They could do more. The Central Bank of Hong Kong actually did a very large equity purchase in 1998, in the crisis, and it had wonderful good effects. And they were able to get out of it successfully. So it was an example of a QE exit, by the way, that we did see that worked.
Now, there’s no guarantee that it’s always going to work. If you do QE without a strategy, without a disciplined framework, the way Senator Proxmire was urging people to do, and you slowly get in, and you have no idea what you’re doing or what the limits are, the goals are, that’s a disaster. You have to have a sense of what is — what are you trying to achieve and you stop when you achieve it, and I fear that Japan has come too late to that. They now have a better framework, but, boy, those low inflation expectations are so entrenched. I think the only answer for them would have been for a joint government — fiscal monetary program that included wage increases for all government workers with a plea to the private sector to do the same and then monetize that to get back to inflationary expectations of 2 percent. That is the only thing that I think could work, and they haven’t done it yet.
それ以下には下がりようがないのです。100ドル紙幣を金庫に入れておけば、10年物日本国債より利回りが高いのです。そんな国債を誰が持ちたいと思うでしょうか? ということで、それが日本における量的緩和の限界となっています。
*1:この前段の講演でR Street instituteの上級研究員のアレックス・ポロックが、1968年の公聴会でプロクシマイヤー上院議員がFRBに住宅投資をもっと後押しするよう圧力を掛けたエピソードを紹介している。