
というNBER論文が書かれており、関連VoxEU記事も上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエンMostly Economics)。論文の原題*1は「Fifty Shades of QE: Conflicts of Interest in Economic Research」で、著者はBrian Fabo(スロバキア国立銀行)、Martina Jančoková(ECB)、Elisabeth Kempf(シカゴ大)、Lubos Pastor(同)。

We analyze the conflict of interest faced by central bank economists who conduct research evaluating central bank policies. Comparing the findings of central bankers and academics regarding the effectiveness of QE, we find that central bank studies report stronger effects of QE on both output and inflation. Central bank studies are also more likely to report QE effects on output that are significant, and their abstracts use more favorable language. Overall, central bankers find QE to be more effective compared to academics.
Of course, this evidence does not imply that central bank research is biased. Perhaps academic research is biased toward insignificance. However, given the publication bias in academic journals, academics have their own incentive to find significant effects. Moreover, additional evidence suggests a role for career concerns. We find that central bankers whose papers report larger effects of QE on output have better career outcomes. The somewhat weaker effects found by Bundesbank researchers are also consistent with career concerns. Last but not least, our survey of central banks reveals that in most banks, management influences research topics, reviews papers, and approves them for public distribution. The involvement of bank management in the production of bank research extends far beyond that of university management in academic research. This involvement seems necessary, at least to some extent, given the broader mission of a central bank.
Importantly, we do not argue that central bank research should be discounted. In many ways, central banks are in an excellent position to provide accurate assessments of their own policies. Like pharmaceutical firms studying their own drugs, central banks have superior information about their own products, exceptionally strong expertise in the subject matter, and an intense desire to preserve their reputation. In addition, central banks are public institutions whose integrity is generally held in very high esteem. They understand that the effectiveness of their policy is predicated on their own credibility. We are not questioning that credibility. We simply highlight a previously unexplored conflict of interest that has the potential to influence a subset of bank research. We hope that our study will help central banks think through the implications of this conflict for their research processes.
