
今回のECBの緩和措置について、ドラギ総裁の2012年の「何でもやる」発言*1に引っ掛けたタイトルのブログエントリが2人の欧州の経済学者によって上げられている(いずれもEconomist's View経由)。ともに金融政策の限界を指摘する内容になっている。

一つはAntonio Fatasの「ECB: I cannot do whatever it takes(ECB:何でもやれるわけではない)」。

So what did we learn yesterday? That the ECB wants to do more but that there is no magical tool that will get the Euro area out of where it is. That the ECB is willing to do more, despite some of the internal resistance, is good news. But the message (explicit and implicit) that they have clearly reached their limit is bad news. From the press conference it was clear that interest rates cannot go down any further. And when it comes to QE there is always room for enlarging the set of assets that are included in the program but the Bank of Japan has tried that for a while without great success.

In summary, the zero lower bound trap is a real one. In the absence of aggressive fiscal policy or a sudden and large improvement in the world economy, the ECB is going to have a hard time reaching its inflation target or helping the Euro zone economy return to normal growth rates.

Whatever it takes to fix this does not seem part of the tools that the ECB has at its disposal. And I do not want to think about what future ECB press conferences are going to look like.
ということで、我々は昨日何を学んだのだろうか? ECBはもっとやりたがっているが、ユーロ圏を現状から脱却させる魔法の道具は存在しない、ということだ。行内に存在する抵抗にも関わらずECBがもっとやるつもりがある、というのは良いニュースだ。しかし明らかに彼らが限界に達したという(明示的および暗黙の)メッセージは、悪いニュースだ。記者会見では、金利がこれ以上下がらないことが明らかになった。量的緩和について言えば、購入計画の対象とする資産を拡大する余地は常に存在しているが、日本銀行はそれをしばらく試行しているもののあまり成功していない。

もう一つは、OFCE(Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques/[英]French Economic Observatory)というパリ政治学院(Sciences-Po)付属の研究所で働くイタリア人のFrancesco Saraceno*2の「Whatever it Takes Cannot be in Frankfurt(フランクフルトでは何でもするはあり得ない)」。

To summarize, it is impossible for the ECB to do more to push financial institutions to increase the supply of credit. Unfortunately, however, this does not mean that credit will increase and the economy rebound. There is debate among economists about why quantitative easing has not worked so far. I am among those who think that the anemic eurozone credit market can be explained both by insufficient demand and supply. If credit supply increases, but it is not followed by demand, then today’s atomic bomb will evolve into a water gun. With the added complication that financial institutions that fail to lend, will be forced to pay a fee on excess reserves.

But maybe, this “swim or sink” situation is the most positive aspect of yesterday’s announcement. If the new measures will prove to be ineffective like the ones that preceded them, it will be clear, once and for all, that monetary policy can not get us out of the doldrums, thus depriving governments (and the European institutions) of their alibi. It will be clear that only a large and coordinated fiscal stimulus can revive the European economy. Only time will tell whether the ECB has the atomic bomb or the water gun (I am afraid I know where I would place my bet). In the meantime, the malicious reader could have fun calculating: (a) How many months of QE would be needed to cover the euro 350 billion Juncker Plan, that painfully saw the light after eight years of crisis, and that, predictably, is even more painfully being implemented. (b) How many hours of QE would be needed to cover the 700 million euros that the EU, also very painfully, agreed to give Greece, to deal with the refugee influx.

*1:cf. ここここ

*2:cf. ローマ社会科学国際自由大学(LUISS)サイトのCV
