という主旨の論文をドイツの4人の研究者が書いている。論文のタイトルは「Smells Like Fiscal Policy? Assessing the Potential Effectiveness of the ECB s OMT Program」で、著者はNikolay Hristov(Ifo研究所)、Oliver Hülsewig(ミュンヘン応用科学大学)、Thomas Siemsen(ルートヴィヒ・マクシミリアン大学ミュンヘン)、Timo Wollmershäuser(Ifo研究所)。
This paper explores the potential effectiveness of the ECB’s Outright Monetary Transaction (OMT) program in safeguarding an appropriate monetary policy transmission. Since the program aims at manipulating bank lending rates by conducting sovereign bond purchases on secondary markets, a stable relationship between bank lending rates and government bond rates is of prime importance. Using vector autoregressive models with time varying parameters (TVP–VAR) we evaluate the stability of this relationship by focusing on the reaction of bank lending rates to movements in government bond rates over the period 2003–2013. Our results suggest that the potential success of OMTs in restoring the monetary transmission mechanism is limited as the link between bank lending rates and government bond rates has substantially weakened since the end of 2008.
Although the announcement of the ECB’s OMT program has lowered the borrowing costs for sovereigns in the euro area periphery countries, our findings suggest that a significant reduction of bank lending rates would require continuous government bond purchases amounting to about 250 billion euro after 2 years, or 37% of all outstanding periphery bonds with maturities of one to three years. However, continuous purchases of bonds issued by the peripheral sovereigns would come along with a number of serious problems like undermining the incentives for governments to impose structural reforms, violating the prohibition to monetize public debt, or exposing the ECB to huge balance sheet risks, which in turn might threaten the political independence of the monetary authority. As the implementation OMTs would go too far into the terrain of fiscal policy, we conclude that it would rather damage the reputation of the ECB instead of contributing to effectively relax bank lending conditions. In our view the insensitivity of periphery bank lending rates to monetary impulses is the result of a severe undercapitalization of many commercial banks in those economies. Instead of hoping for monetary policy interventions, appropriate and timely measures by European governments should be implemented. Such measures should be aimed at restructuring insolvent financial institutions by freeing balance sheets from doubtful loans and by recapitalizing the banking sector.