

About one year ago at the annual monetary conference in Jackson Hole, Meltzer argued that the Fed’s “quantitative easing” was in effect a monetary policy of “competitive devaluation,” and he added that “other countries have now followed and been even less circumspect about the fact that they were engaging in competitive devaluation. Competitive devaluation was tried in the 1930s, and unsuccessfully, and the result was that around that time major countries agreed they would not engage in competitive devaluation ever again.”
To examine the impact of the balance sheet operations of the central banks in the three large areas I estimated the following equations.

 XJU = α0 + α1RJ + α2RU + α3RE

 XJE = β0 + β1RJ + β2RU + β3RE

 XUE = γ0 + γ1RJ + γ2RU + γ3RE

where XJU is the yen per dollar exchange rate; XJE is the yen per euro exchange rate; and XUE is the dollar per euro  exchange rate.


 XJU = α0 + α1RJ + α2RU + α3RE

 XJE = β0 + β1RJ + β2RU + β3RE

 XUE = γ0 + γ1RJ + γ2RU + γ3RE



All the estimated coefficients are significant, and they showed that:

  • An increase in reserve balances RJ at the Bank of Japan causes XJU and XJE to rise, or, in other words, causes the yen to depreciate against the dollar and the euro.
  • An increase in reserve balances RU at the Fed causes XJU to fall and XUE to rise, or, in other words, causes the dollar to depreciate against the yen and the euro.
  • An increase in reserve balances RE at the ECB causes XJE and XUE to fall, or, in other words, causes the euro to depreciate against the yen and the dollar.

In other words, there are significant exchange rate effects of balance sheet operations for the large advanced countries. ...
These exchange rate effects are likely to be a factor behind balance sheet actions taken by central banks and the reason for the policy contagion in recent years as countries endeavor to counteract other countries’ actions to influence exchange rates. In this sense, there is a “competitive devaluation” aspect to these actions as argued by Allan Meltzer—whether they are intentional or not.

  • 日銀の準備預金RJの増加はXJUとXJEを上昇させた。言い換えれば、円をドルとユーロに対し減価させた。
  • FRBの準備預金RUの増加はXJUを低下させXUEを上昇させた。言い換えれば、ドルを円とユーロに対し減価させた。
  • ECBの準備預金REの増加はXJEとXUEを低下させた。言い換えれば、ユーロを円とドルに対し減価させた。

