
今月の13-14日に、「AIの経済学(Economics of AI)」というNBERコンファレンスがトロント開かれ、「Behavioural Economics」と題したカリフォルニア工科大学のColin Camererの講演(資料スライドビデオ)にカーネマンが討論者として参加した。Joshua Gansがビデオ紹介しているが、その中でカーネマンは、自分はAIは門外漢だと断りつつも、人間も肉でできたコンピューターなのだから、感情面の対処も含め、人間にできてAIにできないことがあるとは思えない、という意見を表明している。

I think it's a lovely idea that if you have a mass of data and you use deep learning you will find out much more than your theory in general. I would hope that machine learning can be a source of hypotheses. Some of these variables that you identify are genuinely interesting. At least in my field, the bar for successful publishable science is very low. We consider theories confirmed -- even when they explain very little of the variance -- if they yield statistically significant predictions. We treat the residual variance as noise. A deeper look into the residual variance, which machine learning is good at, is clearly an advantage. So, as an outsider, actually I have been surprised not to hear more about the superiority of AI to what people can do. Perhaps as a psychologist this is what interests me most. Now I'm not sure that new signals will always be interesting, but I suppose that some may lead to new theory and that would be useful.

The main characteristic of people is that they're very noisy. You show them the same stimulus twice, they don't give you the same response twice. You show the same choice twice, I mean that's why we had stochastic choice theory, because there is so much variability in people's choices given the same stimuli. Now what can be done with AI -- it can be done even without AI -- is a program that observes an individual's choices will be better than the individual at a wide variety of things. In particular, it will make better choices for the individual, because it will be noise-free. That we know from the literature that Colin cited from Meehl on predictions. There's an interesting tidbit. You take clinicians and you have them predict some criterion a large number of time. And then, you develop a simple equation that predicts not the outcome but the clinicians judgment. That model does better in predicting the outcome than the clinician himself. That is fundamental. This is telling you that one of the major limitations on human performance is not bias, it is just noise. I'm maybe partly responsible for this, but when people now talk about error, they tend to think of bias as an explanation. That's the first thing that comes to mind. Well, this is a bias, and it is an error. In fact, most of the errors that people make are better viewed as random noise, and there's an awful lot of it. Admitting the essence of noise means it has implications for practice. One implication is obvious, that you should replace humans by algorithms whenever possible, and this is really happening. Even when the algorithm don't do very well, humans do so poorly and are so noisy, that just by removing the noise you can do better than people. And the other is that when you can't do it, you try to have human simulate the algorithm. By enforcing regularity and processes and discipline on judgment and on choice, you improve, you reduce the noise, and you improve performance, because noises are so poisonous.
