ノイズの多い専門家? 規制における裁量

というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Noisy Experts? Discretion in Regulation」で、著者はSumit Agarwal(シンガポール国立大)、Bernardo C. Morais(FRB)、Amit Seru(スタンフォード大)、Kelly Shue(イェール大)。

While reliance on human discretion is a pervasive feature of institutional design, human discretion can also introduce costly noise (Kahneman, Sibony, and Sunstein 2021). We evaluate the consequences, determinants, and trade-offs associated with discretion in high-stake decisions assessing bank safety and soundness. Using detailed data on the supervisory ratings of US banks, we find that professional bank examiners exercise significant personal discretion—their decisions deviate substantially from algorithmic benchmarks and can be predicted by examiner identities, holding bank fundamentals constant. Examiner discretion has a large and persistent causal impact on future bank capitalization and supply of credit, leading to volatility and uncertainty in bank outcomes, and a conservative anticipatory response by banks. We identify a novel source of noise: weights assigned to specific issues. Disagreement in ratings across examiners can be attributed to high average weight (50%) assigned to subjective assessment of banks’ management quality, as well as heterogeneity in weights attached to more objective issues such as capital adequacy. Replacing human discretion with a simple algorithm leads to worse predictions of bank health, while moderate limits on discretion can translate to more informative and less noisy predictions.

以下は各項目のウエイトを示した図(前注の金融庁資料から:Capital Adequacy(自己資本)、Asset Quality(資産内容)、Management(経営)、Earnings(収益性)、Liquidity(流動性)、Sensitivity to Market Risk(市場リスクに対する感応性) )。



*2:cf. CAMELS rating system - Wikipedia金融庁資料

*3:裁量の定義について本文では次のように記述している:「We define examiner “directional discretion” as the average of the signed values of discretion across all exams conducted by each examiner. Directional discretion captures how some examiners are predictably more lenient than others. We define examiner “absolute discretion” as the average of the absolute value of discretion across all exams conducted by each examiner. Absolute discretion measures of the extent to which the examiner relies on case-specific soft information, as well as any biases, gut feelings, or intuition. Notably, it is possible for an examiner to exercise zero directional discretion (so she is not more lenient than other examiners) and have high absolute discretion (because she heavily weighs soft information or gut feelings in either direction when evaluating each case).