
というNBER論文をコロンビア大のギレルモ・カルボ(Guillermo A. Calvo)が書いている。原題は「From Chronic Inflation to Chronic Deflation: Focusing on Expectations and Liquidity Disarray Since WWII」。


The paper discusses policy relevant models, going from (1) chronic inflation in the 20th century after WWII, to (2) credit sudden stop episodes that got exacerbated in Developed Market economies after the 2008 Lehman crisis, and appear to be associated with chronic deflation. The discussion highlights the importance of expectations and liquidity, and warns about the risks of relegating liquidity to a secondary role, as has been the practice in mainstream macro models prior to the Great Recession.


Before the Great Recession there was an almost absolute consensus in economics that price deflation was a thing of the past, never to be repeated. A good dose of helicopter money, for instance, would cure deflation and its harmful effects instantly. Unfortunately, things turned out to be more complicated than expected, and we are still groping for plausible and useful answers. The Inflation period also has its share of puzzles but, partly due to the fact that chronic inflations occupied a large portion of the 20th century after WWII, a solid literature developed, which helped to rationalize those episodes. Topics developed under the aegis of Rational Expectations, like Time Inconsistency, Fiscal and Expectations Dominance, provided useful insights for understanding those episodes. But I suspect that a good understanding of how to get rid of hyper- and chronic inflation may have given a wrong sense of security that left us unprepared to deal with Great Recession-like episodes. The latter was probably reinforced by the Great Moderation period in Developed Market economies, and the growing consensus that it followed from the adoption of sensible monetary rules, e.g., Taylor's rule. Missing from the models developed prior to the Great Recession was the possibility of huge liquidity turmoil.