
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Puzzling Persistence of Financial Crises」で、著者はCharles W. Calomiris(コロンビア大)、Matthew S. Jaremski(ユタ州立大)。

The high social costs of financial crises imply that economists, policymakers, businesses, and households have a tremendous incentive to understand, and try to prevent them. And yet, so far we have failed to learn how to avoid them. In this article, we take a novel approach to studying financial crises. We first build ten case studies of financial crises that stretch over two millennia, and then consider their salient points of differences and commonalities. We see this as the beginning of developing a useful taxonomy of crises – an understanding of the most important factors that reappear across the many examples, which also allows (as in any taxonomy) some examples to be more similar to each other than others. From the perspective of our review of the ten crises, we consider the question of why it has proven so difficult to learn from past crises to avoid future ones.

ungated版は見当たらなかったが、以下は危機が持続する4つの理由を引用したMostly Economicsからの孫引き。

First, it may be that the risks that lead to a crisis have a purpose for those with decision making power, even if those risks and the crises that result from them are harmful to the general population. Political coalitions, after all, receive risk subsidies through their willingness to take on risks.
Second, financial history is replete with examples of new risks, new products, new technologies, new territories whose risks are necessarily unknown. You cannot learn the value of Florida land in 1924 by introspection. And, it was very challenging to learn about aggregate supply and demand for Florida land in real time.
Third, it may be individually worthwhile for individuals to undertake risks because they can act without the knowledge of others (who might otherwise stop them). John Law had a strong vested interest in the upside of the Mississippi Company, but he fled the country once its costs were felt, and thereby avoided those costs.
Fourth, it may be that the financial system and economy as a whole benefit from taking the risks that sometimes lead to crises. England and France began the 17th century in inferior competitive positions to the other powers. The statecraft of employing new innovative financial mechanisms to build trading monopolies, expand tax revenues, create liquid sovereign debt markets and stock exchanges, charter banks, and assemble armies and navies was very risky, but what was the alternative? Nations that failed to compete found themselves acquired by those better able to play the empire building game.
第四に、時には危機に至るリスクを取ることにより、金融システムと経済は全体として便益を得る可能性がある。英国とフランスは、17世紀初めには他の列強よりも相対的に競争力が劣る立場にいた。国政において新規の革新的な金融メカニズムを採用して貿易独占を構築し、税収を伸ばし、流動性のある国債市場と株式取引所を創設し、銀行を設立し、陸海軍を編成することは非常にリスクの高いことであったが、他に選択肢はあっただろうか? 競争に後れを取った国は、帝国構築のゲームに彼らよりも優れた手腕を発揮した国に乗っ取られることになるのである。


Calomiris and Jaremski review ten famous financial crises from ancient Rome through the present and find four common factors: politically motivated subsidies, changes in investor preferences towards risk, unsophisticated investors, and fraud.
Charles Calomaris and Matthew Jaremski note that financial crises are very costly to the economy, involving average declines of 5.5% of real GDP and much larger declines when financial distress culminates into a full scale crisis, as well as median fiscal costs of 16% of real GDP associated with resolution of distressed banks. Why is it so hard for us to learn from the past and avoid the severe costs that attend these events? The authors find four broad categories of causal factors: 1) politically motivated risk subsidies that skew incentives such as government subsidizing risks related to housing credit. 2) changes in investor preferences towards risk. It may be that the financial system and economy as a whole benefit from taking the risks that sometimes lead to crises. 3) learning by more and less sophisticated investors and 4) fraud.
チャールズ・カロミリスとマシュー・ジャレムスキは、金融危機は経済にとって非常に高く付き、実質GDPは平均して5.5%低下するが、金融不況が完全な危機に発展した場合には低下幅はもっと大きくなり、また、破綻した銀行の解決には平均して実質GDPの16%の財政コストが掛かる、と述べている。過去から学んでそうした出来事に伴う多大なコストを回避することがなぜこれほど難しいのか? 著者たちは、要因が4つに大別されることを見い出した:1) 住宅融資関連のリスクに対して政府が補助金を出すといった、インセンティブを歪めるような、政治的に動機付けられたリスクへの補助金。2) リスクへの投資家の選好の変化。時には危機に至るリスクを取ることにより、金融システムと経済は全体として便益を得る可能性がある。3) 賢さに差がある投資家による学習、および、4) 詐欺。



時期 当初影響を受けた市場 政治状況 経済状況 崩壊は事前に予測可能だったか? 事前に「価格の過度のブーム」はあったか? リスクへの政治的な補助金はあったか? 選好、金利、リスクはシフトしたか? 新市場についての学習はあったか? 内生的な詐欺はあったか?
33年の恐慌*2 ローマ帝国時代初期 銀行信用/イタリアの土地 帝国の拡大の維持 静的/没落中 × × × × ×
ミシシッピバブル 1720年代 国債/株式/通貨 グローバル化の初期の現代企業 拡大初期 ×
南海泡沫事件 1720年代 国債/株式 グローバル化の初期の現代企業 拡大初期 × ×
フロリダの土地のブーム 1920年 フロリダの土地/銀行 20世紀米国民主主義 ニューフロンティア 不明 × ×
1929年の米株式市場暴落 1920年 株式 20世紀米国民主主義 ローリング20s 不明 不明 × ×
大恐慌下の銀行危機 1930年代 銀行 20世紀米国民主主義 グローバルリセッション/農業の低迷 × × × × ×
メキシコ危機 1994-1995 銀行/通貨 制度的革命党支配 通貨ペッグ/1993年の不況 × × ×
韓国危機 1997-1998 銀行/通貨 クローニーキャピタリズム 通貨ペッグ/生産の鈍化 × × ×
スペイン危機 2008 スペインの土地/住宅ローン EUとECBの形成 貯蓄銀行(Cajas[カハス])/低金利 × ×
サブプライム危機 2008 米国の土地/住宅ローン 20世紀米国民主主義 GSE*3/CRA(地域再投資法)*4/低金利



というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Do People Report Happiness Accurately?」で、著者はJames Andreoni(UCサンディエゴ)、B. Douglas Bernheim(スタンフォード大)、Tingyan Jia(レスター大)。

Validation of happiness measures is inherently challenging because subjective sensations are unobserved. We introduce a novel validation method: subjects report how happy they would feel (or did feel) after some specified event, as well as how they would respond (or would have responded) to a survey question about their happiness after the same event. The difference between these two responses measures “self-reported misreporting.” We demonstrate that self-reported misreporting varies across events and is substantial for certain types of events. These findings imply that caution is warranted when interpreting differences in self-reported well-being across contexts.

ungated版は見当たらなかったが、著者の一人(Jia)のスタンフォード時代のサイトには以前のバージョンと思われる論文「Sadness about Happiness」の要旨が記載されている。

This paper explores the limitations of widely used happiness measures in survey banks and individuals' reluctance to express their true feelings. We present robust findings: individuals tend to exaggerate their happiness levels after anticipating negative future events, as well as after experiencing negative events in the past. There is a notable disparity between reported present and past happiness. The reporting effect varies across events, with no exaggeration observed for positive events. Relying solely on happiness measures can be problematic for policy evaluation, as individuals accurately report positive effects while underestimating negatives, leading to an exaggerated perception of policy benefits.



というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T Mostly Economicsungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Movies」で、著者はStelios Michalopoulos(ブラウン大)、Christopher Rauh(ケンブリッジ大)。

Why are certain movies more successful in some markets than others? Are the entertainment products we consume reflective of our core values and beliefs? These questions drive our investigation into the relationship between a society’s oral tradition and the financial success of films. We combine a unique catalog of local tales, myths, and legends around the world with data on international movie screenings and revenues. First, we quantify the similarity between movies’ plots and traditional motifs employing machine learning techniques. Comparing the same movie across different markets, we establish that films that resonate more with local folklore systematically accrue higher revenue and are more likely to be screened. Second, we document analogous patterns within the US. Google Trends data reveal a pronounced interest in markets where ancestral narratives align more closely with a movie’s theme. Third, we delve into the explicit values transmitted by films, concentrating on the depiction of risk and gender roles. Films that promote risk-taking sell more in entrepreneurial societies today, rooted in traditions where characters pursue dangerous tasks successfully. Films portraying women in stereotypical roles continue to find a robust audience in societies with similar gender stereotypes in their folklore and where women today continue being relegated to subordinate positions. These findings underscore the enduring influence of traditional storytelling on entertainment patterns in the 21st century, highlighting a profound connection between movie consumption and deeply ingrained cultural narratives and values.
なぜある映画は幾つかの市場で他の映画よりも成功するのだろうか? 我々が消費する娯楽作品は我々の基本的な価値観や信念を反映するのだろうか? こうした疑問を受けて我々は、社会の口頭伝承と映画の興行的成功との関係を調べた。我々は、世界中の地元の物語、神話、および伝説の独自の一覧と、国際的な映画の上映と収入のデータとを結び付けた。第一に我々は、機械学習の技法を用いて、映画のプロットと伝統的なモチーフとの類似性を定量化した。同じ映画を各市場について比較することにより我々は、地元の民話とより共鳴する映画が、系統的により高い収入を得て、上映回数が多くなりやすいことを立証した。第二に我々は、米国のグーグルトレンドデータでの類似のパターンが、先祖伝来の物語が映画のテーマとより密接に関連する市場における明確な関心を示すことを明らかにした。第三に我々は、リスクと性別役割の描写に焦点を当てて映画が伝える明示的な価値観を掘り下げた。リスクを取ることを促す映画は、今日において起業家精神に溢れた社会で売り上げが多くなるが、それは登場人物が成功裏に危険な任務を追求する伝統に根差している。女性をステレオタイプな役割で描写する映画は、同様の性別役割が民話で見られ、今日の女性が従属的な地位に追いやられ続ける社会で熱心な観客を集め続ける。以上の発見は、伝統的な口承文学が21世紀の娯楽のパターンに与える継続的な影響を明らかにしており、映画の消費と深く社会に根付いた文化的な物語と価値観との基本的な関係を浮き彫りにしている。







アセモグルの最近のNBER論文はなるべく紹介するようにしてきたつもりだが、昨年9月の表題の論文ungated版)が抜けていたので紹介してみる。原題は「Climate Change, Directed Innovation, and Energy Transition: The Long-run Consequences of the Shale Gas Revolution」で、著者はDaron Acemoglu(MIT)、Philippe Aghion(コレージュ・ド・フランス)、Lint Barrage(チューリッヒ工科大学)、David Hémousチューリッヒ大学)。

We investigate the short- and long-term effects of a natural gas boom in an economy where energy can be produced with coal, natural gas, or clean sources and the direction of technology is endogenous. In the short run, a natural gas boom reduces carbon emissions by inducing substitution away from coal. Yet, the natural gas boom discourages innovation directed at clean energy, which delays and can even permanently prevent the energy transition to zero carbon. We formalize and quantitatively evaluate these forces using a benchmark model of directed technical change for the energy sector. Quantitatively, the technology response to the shale gas boom results in a significant increase in emissions as the US economy is pushed into a “fossil-fuel trap” where long-run innovations shift away from renewables. Overall, the shale gas boom reduces our measure of social welfare under laissez-faire, whereas, combined with carbon taxes and more generous green subsidies, it could have increased welfare substantially.


Finally, we note that the lessons of our model may be relevant to other “intermediate solutions” to the energy transition problem. Several of the proposed solutions, including biofuels, fission nuclear energy or geoengineering, also raise the possibility of other types of environmental damages, and a more general model incorporating different types of environmental externalities may be necessary to study their long-run implications. More generally, our analysis suggests that the use of natural gas as a solution to the climate change challenge may have much in common with other historical episodes that accidentally but permanently directed innovation toward potentially inefficient solutions. Examples may include the use of a uranium cycle instead of a thorium cycle in nuclear fission, or Henry Ford’s technology choices for mass production which enabled internal combustion engines to replace early electric vehicles. Developing models for the study of the short-run vs. long-run trade-offs when technology can be directed to different technology classes or platforms is another major area of research.


というNBER論文(原題は「Capital and Wages」)をアセモグル(Daron Acemoglu、MIT)が上げているungated版)。

Does capital accumulation increase labor demand and wages? Neoclassical production functions, where capital and labor are q-complements, ensure that the answer is yes, so long as labor markets are competitive. This result critically depends on the assumption that capital accumulation does not change the technologies being developed and used. I adapt the theory of endogenous technological change to investigate this question when technology also responds to capital accumulation. I show that there are strong parallels between the relationship between capital and wages and existing results on the conditions under which equilibrium factor demands are upward-sloping (e.g., Acemoglu, 2007). Extending this framework, I provide intuitive conditions and simple examples where a greater capital stock leads to lower wages, because it triggers more automation. I then offer an endogenous growth model with a menu of technologies where equilibrium involves choices over both the extent of automation and the rate of growth of labor-augmenting productivity. In this framework, capital accumulation and technological change in the long run are associated with wage growth, but an increase in the saving rate increases the extent of automation, and at first reduces the wage rate and subsequently depresses its long-run growth rate.
資本蓄積は労働需要と賃金を引き上げるだろうか? 資本と労働がq補完*1である新古典派の生産関数は、労働市場が競争的である限りその答えが是であることを保証している。この結果は、開発され使用される技術が資本蓄積によって変わらないという仮定に大いに依拠している。私は内生的技術変化の理論を適用して、技術もまた資本蓄積に反応する場合におけるこの問題を調べた。資本と賃金の関係と、均衡要素需要が右上がり(例:アセモグル、2007*2)となる条件についての既存の結果との間には、強い類似があることを私は示した*3。この枠組みを延長して私は、自動化の進展を促すことによって資本ストックが大きくなると賃金が低くなるという直観的な条件と簡単な例を提示する。次に私は、自動化の程度と労働増大的な生産性の成長率を共に選択するような均衡を持つ技術メニューを備えた内生的成長モデルを提示する。この枠組みでは、長期的な資本蓄積と技術変化は賃金の伸びと関連しているが、貯蓄率の増加は自動化の程度を引き上げて、当初は賃金率を減少させ、次いで長期のその伸び率を抑える。



*1:本文では「meaning that an increase in the use of one of these factors raises the marginal product of the other, or FLK ≥ 0.」と説明している。こちらの論文のプレビューによると、ヒックス(cf. A Revision of Demand Theory - John Hicks - Google ブックス)とSato=Koizumi(おそらく佐藤隆三氏と幸泉哲紀氏によるこれこれの論文を参照していると思われる)がp補完とq補完の区別の重要性を比較的最近になって示したとの由。


*3:本文では「The parallel between Propositions 4 and 5 is clear. They both require a local failure of convexity (or the relevant maximization problem not to be locally concave). This reflects the fact that in both cases the desired result obtains when the indirect effects working through the response of technology are more powerful than the direct impact.」と説明している。

*4:ただし図の注の「This reduces the capital stock at T+1」の「reduces」は「increases」の誤りのように思われる。

*5:cf. 正しくない種類のAI? 人工知能と労働需要の将来 - himaginary’s diaryおよびそのリンク、自動化と新たな仕事:技術は如何に労働を置換かつ再導入するか - himaginary’s diary進歩の罠 - himaginary’s diary業務、自動化、および米国の賃金格差の上昇 - himaginary’s diaryAIの害 - himaginary’s diary経済学的観点からのAI規制を妨げているもの - himaginary’s diary

*6:そのように労働者の立場から弊害を一貫して追究しているという点では、民主主義と経済成長 - himaginary’s diaryでコメントしたように「まさに「経世済民」の想いを抱いているわけで、日本の一部の経済学者に爪の垢を煎じて飲ませたいところではある」という思いを強くせざるを得ない。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ1年前のスライド資料)。原題は「International Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics with Sanctions」で、著者はFabio Ghironi(ワシントン大)、Daisoon Kim(ノースカロライナ州立大)、G. Kemal Ozhan(IMF)。

We study international trade and macroeconomic dynamics triggered by the imposition of sanctions. We begin with a tractable two-country model where Home and Foreign countries have comparative advantages in production of differentiated consumption goods and a commodity (e.g., gas), respectively. Home imposes sanctions on Foreign. Financial sanctions exclude a fraction of Foreign agents from the international bond market. Gas sanctions take the form of a ban on gas trade, equivalent to an appropriate price cap in our model. Differentiated goods trade sanctions exclude a fraction of Foreign and Home exporters from international trade. All sanctions lead to resource reallocation in both economies. Exchange rate movements reflect the direction of reallocation and the type of sanctions imposed rather than the success of the sanctions. Welfare analysis shows that gas sanctions are more costly for Home, while differentiated consumption goods trade sanctions are more costly for Foreign. A third country that refrains from joining the sanctions mitigates welfare losses in Foreign, but refraining from joining the sanctions is beneficial for the third country. These findings highlight the importance and the difficulty of international coordination when imposing sanctions.


普通教育は信心深さ、選挙への参加、およびイスラム教政党に投票する傾向に影響するか? イスラム教国の教育改革における実証結果

クルド関係のNBER論文をもう一丁。2013年の表題の論文*1の原題は「Does Secular Education Impact Religiosity, Electoral Participation and the Propensity to Vote for Islamic Parties? Evidence from an Education Reform in a Muslim Country」で、著者はResul Cesur(コネチカット大)、Naci H. Mocan(ルイジアナ州立大)。

Turkey, which is a predominantly Muslim country, enacted an education law in 1997 which increased the compulsory secular education from five to eight years. We employ a unique nation-wide survey of adults in 2012 to investigate the impact of education on religiosity, lifestyles and political preferences by using exposure to the law as an instrument for schooling. The data set includes information about the extent of religiosity, lifestyle choices (e.g. modern, conservative, religious), ethnic background (e.g. Kurd, Turk, Arab) and the religious sect of the respondents (Sunni, Alevite Shii'te, etc.) The results show that the reform had a significant impact on middle school completion for both men and women, with stronger effects on women. An increase in education, generated by exposure to the law, decreases women's propensity to identify themselves as religious. Education also lowers women's tendency to wear a religious head cover (head scarf, religious turban or burka) and it increases their propensity to have a modern lifestyle. Education reduces women's propensity to cast a vote for Islamic parties, but it has no impact on the propensity to vote. Education has no statistically significant impact on men's religiosity or their tendency to vote for Islamic parties. The results are robust to controlling for indicators of individuals' economic well-being as well as variations in empirical specification of the treatment by the law. Using a smaller version of the survey, conducted in 2008, we perform a variety of tests, which demonstrate that the results are not due to a cohort effect. Finally, we show that the effect of education on religiosity and voting preference is not working through migration, residential location or labor force participation.


*1:その後、Journal of Population Economics Vol. 31, No. 1 (January 2018), pp. 1-44 (44 pages) に掲載。

*2:cf. アレヴィー派 - Wikipedia

*3:cf. 民主的諸地域党 - Wikipedia