正しくない種類のAI? 人工知能と労働需要の将来

AIや自動化に関するNBER論文を何本も上げてきたアセモグルとPascual Restrepoのコンビ(cf. ここここここここ)が、3月にまたそのテーマのNBER論文を2本上げている。以下はそのうちの一本である表題の論文(原題は「The Wrong Kind of AI? Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Labor Demand」、ungated版)の要旨。

Artificial Intelligence is set to influence every aspect of our lives, not least the way production is organized. AI, as a technology platform, can automate tasks previously performed by labor or create new tasks and activities in which humans can be productively employed. Recent technological change has been biased towards automation, with insufficient focus on creating new tasks where labor can be productively employed. The consequences of this choice have been stagnating labor demand, declining labor share in national income, rising inequality and lower productivity growth. The current tendency is to develop AI in the direction of further automation, but this might mean missing out on the promise of the "right" kind of AI with better economic and social outcomes.