EF: Shifting topics a little bit, in your 2019 article "Democracy Does Cause Growth," you and your co-authors found that democratic institutions are associated with economic growth. Why is that? What are the mechanisms behind this?
Acemoglu: I'm proud of that paper because, for some reason, there was an emerging consensus within political science and economics that democracy was not a good system for dealing with economic problems. I think it was fueled in part by China — people seeing China's tremendous leap and saying look how well autocracy works, and at the same time also witnessing gridlock and economic problems in various democracies.
We were very suspicious of this, which is the reason we started this project. As soon as we started, we realized if you organize the data in the most neutral way, it is amazingly apparent that democracies actually grow quite a bit faster. And one way of doing that is just to look at the same country before and after becoming democratized. Before, when they are under a dictatorship, they have a lot of economic problems. And then after democracy, it takes a while for stability to set in, but after a while a rapid growth experience exists.
Why is that? Well, one of the things that democracies do is they increase taxes; democracies raise more revenue and spend more money.
And where do they spend it? Well, some would say waste, of course; it's the nature of bureaucracy. But a lot of it goes to health, education, and public infrastructure. That's part of the answer. But also contrary to the conventional wisdom, we find that democracies are better at doing reform. They are much better than dictatorships at dealing with monopolies. They are better than dictatorships at increasing the capabilities of the workers, especially low-income people in the community. So there are a number of dimensions to the link behind democracy and growth.
- インタビュアー
- 話題を少し変えますが、2019年の論文「民主主義は実際に経済成長を促す」で貴兄と共著者は、民主制度は経済成長と関連していることを見い出しました。それはなぜでしょうか? 背後にあるメカニズムは何でしょうか?
- アセモグル
- その論文を私は誇りに思っています。というのは、何らかの理由で、政治学と経済学で民主主義は経済問題に対処するのに良いシステムではない、というコンセンサスが形成されたからです。そのコンセンサスが広がった一因は中国だったと思います。中国の非常な発展を見て人々は専制政治が如何に上手く機能するかを語り、同時に様々な民主主義国での行き詰まりと経済問題も目にしました。
その理由は何でしょうか? 民主主義によって達成される一つのことは、税収の引き上げです。民主主義は歳入を増やし、歳出も増やすのです。
支出先は何でしょうか? 無駄になるという指摘ももちろんあります。それは官僚制につきものです。しかし多くは医療、教育、公共インフラに振り向けられます。それが答えの一つです。また世間知に反し、民主主義国は改革の実施に優れていることを我々は見い出しました。独占企業に対処するのに、独裁制よりも優れていたのです。労働者、特に社会の低所得層の能力を高めることにも優れていました。ということで、民主主義と成長の関係には多くの側面があります。