
という小論をジョージ・アカロフ書いている(原題は「Sins of Omission and the Practice of Economics」、H/T タイラー・コーエン)。

This paper advances the proposition that economics, as a discipline, gives rewards that favor the “hard” and disfavor the “soft.” Such bias leads economic research to ignore important topics and problems that are difficult to approach in a “hard” way—thereby resulting in “sins of omission.” This paper argues for reexamination of current institutions for publication and promotion in economics—as it also argues for greatly increased tolerance in norms for publication and promotion as one way of alleviating narrow methodological biases.



  1. 科学のヒエラルキーにおける位置
    • 経済学は自らを社会科学で最も科学的と任じている。
  2. 評価プロセス
    • 評価の際、より厳密である、ということの合意は容易だが、重要性についての合意は難しい。
  3. 経済学者の選択バイアス
    • 経済学者の主流がハード志向になれば、論文や昇進もハード系にバイアスが掛かり、それが経済学者のハード志向をますます強める、という負の循環構造が生じる。


  1. 新しいアイディアへのバイアス
    • 新しいアイディアはハード系ツールがまだ整備されていないため、提示および検証において古いアイディアより不利となる。
  2. 過度の専門化
    • ハード志向の下では、スペシャリストとなることの方がジェネラリストとなるより有利。
  3. トップ・ファイブの呪い
    • テニュアを認定する委員会が、候補者の研究の質を評価する際の基準として、五大誌への掲載に頼るようになる(cf. ここ)。


  • 金融危機の予測の失敗
    • 細分化された各分野では危機の兆候が揃っていたが、それをまとめ上げて危機の予測に近いところまで行った経済学者はラジャンだけだった。
    • バレロの言うこと(cf. ここ)を敷衍すれば、そうした危機の証拠をすべて揃えたモデルは、DSGEに比べてソフト過ぎるものとなり、論文は掲載できないだろう。
    • また、仮にAIGの5530億ドルの証券保険という数字を入手しても、それは金融システムを引き倒すテールリスクを十分に示す数字ではあるが、そうした単一の数字では論文は書けない。
  • 動機付け
    • 人々は何かを最大化するだけでなく、物語によっても動機付けられる。以下の4つの事例は、経済学で過小評価されてきた物語の重要性を示している。
      1. ソ連
        • ソ連の失敗を中央計画経済の失敗に帰す分析は、同じくらい重要な、ボルシェビキが流布した「物語」の負の側面を無視している。彼らは、計画経済を進めれば経済のパラダイスが待っているのだから、少しの障害も厳しく罰するべき、という物語を掲げて欠陥のある計画を推進し、ホロドモールを引き起こした。
      2. 喫煙と健康
        • 喫煙に関する経済学は、禁煙運動が提示した物語の果たした役割を過小評価している。
      3. 地球温暖化
        • 地球温暖化は虚偽、という物語のせいで、人々の温暖化への認識が進んでいない。これは温暖化の物理的現実そのものと同じくらい重要な話。
      4. マクロ経済学
        • シラーによれば、大恐慌は貨幣供給の不足によって深刻化した、というフリードマン=シュワルツの説は、除外変数によって誤って導かれたもの。その除外変数とは、人々が自らに言い聞かせた物語で、その物語により、大恐慌が深刻化し収入が減るにつれ人々の貨幣保有意欲が減少した。


The norms regarding how economics should be done should call for flexibility of methodology—instead of insistence on methodological purity that might be perfect for some Important problems, but leaves other problems and other approaches outside the domain of economic research.
Historically, those paradigms—norms for how economic research should be done, and also for what constitutes “economic research”—have developed out of an evolutionary process. Neither the optimality of the resultant conclusions of the field nor of the resultant institutions for economic research can be taken for granted. At the journals, the norms for what should or should not be published, and the selection of the editors and the referees, and their conduct, should be the subject of examination. Likewise, at the universities, the processes of promotion and tenure should also be examined. Just as medicine in the United States was famously influenced by the Flexner Report of 1910 (Starr 2008), there is a need for a similar report today on publication and promotion in economics.
歴史的に言えば、経済学をどのように行うべきか、および、何が「経済研究」の一部となるか、という規範についてのこうしたパラダイムは、進化プロセスを辿って発展してきた。その結果生み出された経済学分野の結論や経済学研究の制度は、当然最適である、と考えてはならない。学術誌では、何を掲載し何を掲載しないかの規範や、編集者やレフェリーの選任とその行動は、調査の対象とされるべきである。同様に、大学では、昇任やテニュアのプロセスが調査されるべきである。周知の通り米国の医学は1910年のフレクスナー報告*1に影響を受けたが(Starr 2008*2)、経済学の出版と昇任について今日同様の報告が必要とされているのである。



タイラー・コーエンが「インフレは貴兄が思っているより高い(Inflation is higher than you think)」と題したMRエントリで紹介しているが、Billion Prices Projectで知られるハーバードのAlberto Cavalloが表題のNBER論文を上げている(原題は「Inflation with Covid Consumption Baskets」)。

There is a growing awareness among academics, central bankers, and the financial media about the challenges of measuring and interpreting inflation during the Pandemic. A major concern is that consumption patterns are greatly impacted by the lockdowns and social-distancing behaviors, introducing significant bias into the measurement of CPI inflation.
I use estimates of the changes in consumption expenditures, obtained from US credit and debit card transactions by Chetty et al. (2020), to update the basket of CPI weights and study the effect on US inflation. I also provide estimates for the potential impact in 16 other countries. In most cases, I show that the Covid price index has more inflation than the official CPI. By April 2020, for example, the annual US all-items inflation rate was 1.06% with the Covid basket and only 0.35% with the official CPI weights. The difference is large and is growing over time, as consumers spend more on food and similar categories experiencing inflation, and less on transportation and related categories with significant deflation.
These results have important implications for policy-makers trying to respond to the crisis, as they suggest that the cost of living for the average consumer is higher than implied by the official CPI. The welfare implications are particularly relevant for people losing their jobs during the Pandemic. To further understand this impact, future research could try to estimate the Covid basket of different population groups, including low-income households.
私は、Chetty et al.(2020*1)が米国のクレジットとデビットカードの取引データから得た消費支出の変化の推計値を用いてCPIバスケットのウエイトを更新し、米国のインフレへの影響を調べた。私はまた、他の16ヶ国における潜在的な影響も推計した。大半のケースで、Covid価格指数のインフレは公的なCPIよりも高くなっていることが示される。例えば2020年4月の米国の全品目の年間インフレ率はCovidバスケットで1.06%だったが、公的なCPIウエイトでは0.35%に過ぎなかった。この差は大きく、時間が経つにつれ拡大している。消費者は、インフレとなっている食料やそれに似たカテゴリへの支出を増やし、顕著なデフレとなっている輸送およびその関連カテゴリへの支出を減らしているからである。




*1:cf. ここ。ChettyらはOpportunity Insightsという研究組織(NPO)を立ち上げている。


Covid-19の基本再生産数は同質ないし均一ではなくて異質性ないし不均一性がある、と仮定することによってSIRモデル推計の結果が変わって来る、という論考は本ブログでもここここここで紹介してきたところであり、また国内では西浦教授の試算の課題として議論されてきたところであるが、その問題を正面から取り上げた表題のNBER論文をタイラー・コーエンがお勧めとして紹介している。論文の原題は「Implications of Heterogeneous SIR Models for Analyses of COVID-19」で、著者はMITのGlenn Ellison。

The greater speed with which the apparent R0 can decline in heterogeneous models, particularly when matching is homophilic, also suggests that there may be more uncertainty than has been assumed in estimates of the impact both of distancing policies and of reopenings. The natural directions of bias are that we may overstate the impact that initial shutdown policies had in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and underestimate the extent to which the partial relaxations have accelerated the spread. It is particularly important to keep these biases in mind when estimates obtained in some region are used to provide advice to others.
A more optimistic implication of heterogeneous SIR models is that the COVID-19 epidemic may not be as bad as some models suggest. Models using growth rates estimated in the early days of the epidemic may overstate how rapidly the epidemic would have spread absent government intervention even if people had not taken it upon themselves to socially distance. And it is possible that epidemic growth can be slowed by herd immunity effects at prevalence levels substantially lower than naive models suggest. If so, the option of reaching herd immunity, becomes less unattractive, particularly if the herd immunity level being contemplated is that which applies when cost-effective mitigation measures, such as universal mask wearing, are maintained, and if extensive efforts are made to keep infections out of vulnerable populations along the path. The possibility that the impact of restrictive policies may have been overestimated also suggests that some partial reopenings may be less damaging than anticipated.
Another important conclusion, however, is that the optimistic message that reaching herd immunity may not be as damaging as feared should not be taken to imply that trying to reach herd immunity is more advisable than earlier analyses suggest. Models with heterogeneity also suggest that controlling the spread of COVID-19 may be easier than thought. For one thing, benefits similar to those which herd immunity provides can be obtained by implementing targeted measures to prevent high-contact people, e.g. health care and nursing home workers, those riding public transportation, etc., from ever being infected.


リクスバンクの金融政策局の職員(Yıldız Akkaya、Carl-Johan Belfrage、Vesna Corbo、Paola Di Casola)が表題の経済コメンタリーを書いている(原題は「GDP growth in Sweden relative to other countries in the wake of Covid-19」、H/T Mostly Economics)。

Swedish GDP closely follows that of our most important trading partners. In the crisis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic there are nevertheless a number of factors indicating that the Swedish economy could be less negatively affected in the short term than other countries:

  • The Swedish economy has not been closed down to the same extent as many others.
  • The sectors that have been hardest hit by social distancing comprise a relatively small percentage of GDP in Sweden.
  • The low national debt in Sweden provides relatively good opportunities to use fiscal policy stimulus to support companies and households that have been hit hard.

But there are also indications that the reverse could apply.

  • The Swedish economy is dependent on trade with other countries functioning, at the same time as the ongoing crisis exposes international trade to severe strain.
  • Swedish households have a high level of debt, which entails risks for both households and the financial sector.

In this Economic Commentary the authors discuss some of the reasons why the relationship between Sweden's and other countries’ GDP development may differ from what we have observed historically. Their conclusion is that the economic consequences of the pandemic could be slightly smaller in Sweden than in many other countries. However, they say that it is too early to say anything about how different economies will develop in the longer run. We are still at an early stage of the economic crisis, and much is still unclear with regard to the spread of the virus. It is therefore extremely difficult to know what the conditions will be for developments in the coming years.

  • スウェーデン経済は他の多くの国よりも閉鎖の程度が小さかった。
  • 社会的距離の導入で最も打撃を受けた部門がスウェーデンGDPに占める割合は比較的小さい。
  • スウェーデンの国の債務が少ないことは、打撃が大きかった企業や家計を支援するために財政刺激策を用いる余地を比較的大きくした。


  • スウェーデン経済は他国との貿易が機能していることに依存しているが、進行中の危機は国際貿易に深刻な負荷を与えている。
  • スウェーデンの家計の債務水準は高く、それは家計と金融の両部門にとってリスクとなっている。



というNBER論文をAuerbachやGorodnichenkoが上げている。原題は「Fiscal Policy and COVID19 Restrictions in a Demand-Determined Economy」で、著者はAlan J. Auerbach(UCバークレー)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(同)、Daniel Murphy(バージニア大)。

We evaluate the effects of COVID19 restrictions and fiscal policy in a model featuring economic slack. The restrictions can reduce current-period GDP by more than is directly associated with the restrictions themselves even if prices and wages are flexible, households can smooth consumption, and workers are mobile across sectors. The most effective fiscal policies depend on (a) the joint distribution of capital operating costs with respect to firm revenues, (b) the extent to which the price of capital adjusts, and (c) additional factors that determine whether the economy will enter a boom or a slump after the restrictions are lifted, such as the effect of the restrictions on inequality and on spending by high-income households.

COVID19のコントロールは都会のカウボーイで十分か? 地域の外出禁止令とコロナウイルスの感染拡大

前回前々回エントリに続き、Dhaval M. Dave(ベントレー大)、Andrew I. Friedson(コロラドデンバー校)、Kyutaro Matsuzawa(サンディエゴ州立大)、Joseph J. Sabia(同)のロックダウン関連NBER論文を紹介する。表題の論文の原題は「Were Urban Cowboys Enough to Control COVID-19? Local Shelter-in-Place Orders and Coronavirus Case Growth」で、この論文では他にサンディエゴ州立大のSamuel Saffordが著者に加わっている。

One of the most common policy prescriptions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 has been to legally enforce social distancing through state or local shelter-in-place orders (SIPOs). This paper is the first to explore the comparative effectiveness of early county-level SIPOs versus later statewide mandates in curbing COVID-19 growth. We exploit the unique laboratory of Texas, a state in which the early adoption of local SIPOs by densely populated counties covered almost two-thirds of the state’s population prior to Texas’s adoption of a statewide SIPO on April 2, 2020. Using an event study framework, we document that countywide SIPO adoption is associated with a 14 percent increase in the percent of residents who remain at home full-time, a social distancing effect that is largest in urbanized and densely populated counties. Then, we find that in early adopting counties, COVID-19 case growth fell by 19 to 26 percentage points two-and-a-half weeks following adoption of a SIPO, a result robust to controls for county-level heterogeneity in outbreak timing, coronavirus testing, and border SIPO policies. This effect is driven nearly entirely by highly urbanized and densely populated counties. We find that approximately 90 percent of the curbed growth in COVID-19 cases in Texas came from the early adoption of SIPOs by urbanized counties, suggesting that the later statewide shelter-in-place mandate yielded relatively few health benefits.


外出禁止令はCOVID-19と闘う上でどのタイミングで出すのが最善か? 州および実施時期による政策効果の違い

前回エントリで紹介したNBER論文の著者たちは、概ね同じ顔触れでロックダウンの効果に関する論文を5月にも2本上げている。表題の論文(原題は「When Do Shelter-in-Place Orders Fight COVID-19 Best? Policy Heterogeneity Across States and Adoption Time」)もその一つで、こちらの著者はDhaval M. Dave(ベントレー大)、Andrew I. Friedson(コロラドデンバー校)、Kyutaro Matsuzawa(サンディエゴ州立大)、Joseph J. Sabia(同)。

Shelter in place orders (SIPOs) require residents to remain home for all but essential activities such as purchasing food or medicine, caring for others, exercise, or traveling for employment deemed essential. Between March 19 and April 20, 2020, 40 states and the District of Columbia adopted SIPOs. This study explores the impact of SIPOs on health, with particular attention to heterogeneity in their impacts. First, using daily state-level social distancing data from SafeGraph and a difference-in-differences approach, we document that adoption of a SIPO was associated with a 5 to 10 percent increase in the rate at which state residents remained in their homes full-time. Then, using daily state-level coronavirus case data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we find that approximately three weeks following the adoption of a SIPO, cumulative COVID-19 cases fell by 44 percent. Event-study analyses confirm common COVID-19 case trends in the week prior to SIPO adoption and show that SIPO-induced case reductions grew larger over time. However, this average effect masks important heterogeneity across states — early adopters and high population density states appear to reap larger benefits from their SIPOs. Finally, we find that statewide SIPOs were associated with a reduction in coronavirus-related deaths, but estimated mortality effects were imprecisely estimated.

*1:cf. ここ